Chapter 8

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I woke up to my baby curled to my side, both of us naked. I kiss his forehead and pull myself away. I hear him whine before turning over. I stretch and change into a red button up, black slacks, and dress shoes. The day I started my training for the new ruler of Hell, great. 

"Babe? Where are you going?" he asks. I walk over and kiss his forehead. 

"I have training for how to be the new devil. If you need me, my phone will be on me and I'll be in the office all day. Tell you want, we'll have lunch together and I'll take you somewhere special for dinner tonight. Dress casual for lunch and nice and sexy for dinner. I love you babe," I say and walk out of the room, closing the bedroom door behind me. I walk into the office and close the door behind me. A lowly imp was tied up and naked, she was dangling from ropes being held by the ring in the ceiling. The desk had been moved and the torture drawer was open. I take my shirt off and walk over to them.

"You're learning my boy, you'll make a great next ruler. Now, I'll let you try to get this trash to talk, the only surviving enemy from the raid," he said. She looked up at me as I approached her, then spit in my face. I punched her in the face, hearing her nose break. I hear her scream and start to curse. I wipe her spit off my face and look up at my father. 

"Do we still have hellhound portable cages?" I ask him, and he nods. "Good, I know Maximus is always horny, and his handler is even hornier. Then we can have Hercules have a nice snack, how does that sound?" I  ask him, which makes him smirk and nod. 

"I'll make a call, see if we can get a cage for her as well, put them both in. Maybe get lunch then come back?" he asks, picking up his phone. 

"I promised Nick lunch and dinner tonight, wedding planning and stuff," I say, walking back. 

"Ah, where are you taking him?" he asks, dialing the hellhound handler's number. 

"Jeffrey's Diner," I say, making him smirk at me.

"Nice choice. And dinner?" he asks, as I sit down on the couch.

"I was gonna try out Uncle Asmodeus's new restaurant, Lust over Love. I called and reserved a table last week. I emailed you that list that you asked for," I say, which makes him smile, the imp had started flailing and screaming. 

"I'll talk, please, I'll talk," she screamed. I stood up and my father told them to forget it. And she spilled her guts, told us everything. 

"I'll finish up here, you go take my son-in-law to lunch," my father said. I nodded, thanked him, and walked out, grabbing my shirt on the way. Nick was waiting by the elevator, wearing some khakis and a nice black polo. I throw my shirt on like a jacket and walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his neck. 

"Hello my little love," I say, making him smile and lean into me

"So, that's lunch you promised?" Nick said, making me chuckle. 

"A local diner, sound good? Milkshakes, burgers," I say, then turns in my arms. 

"That sounds fantastic," he says, kissing me while putting his hands on my bare chest. I heard the imp screaming, making Nick pull away and look over my shoulder. "Who was that?" he asks, making me groan slightly. 

"The only survivor of the attack. My dad wanted some alone time as payback," I say. Nick buttons my shirt up then walks past me. I grab his wrist, making him turn to look at me.

"I want my turn at that bitch," he says, a fire in his eyes. I walk into the office with him, where my dad was walking back behind her with a whip. 

"James, I thought you were going to take this young man to lunch," my dad said. 

"I wanted to be here, I asked him to let me be here," Nick said, slowly walking towards the woman. I followed close behind, ready to protect him from her at all costs. I wasn't going to let this bitch hurt my baby boy. 

He got right in front of her, before gripping her head in his hands. He whispered something in latin, then her eyes turned black. And she was screaming, begging, desperate for him to stop. After 5 minutes, he let her go, making her slump down. 

"If you, or anyone you have even met in passing touch a hair on my family again, I'll make sure it a million times worse than that," he said calmly, yet spiteful. 

"I think you might need to use your man to your advantage son. Why didn't you tell me about this son?" my dad said. Nick blushed slightly and walked into my arms, wrapping his arms around me. I hold him close to my chest, kissing his forehead. 

"All I knew was that he could heal, not the extent of his magic. But I will find the extent of it now, he'll be an amazing co-ruler of Hell," I say, smiling lightly down at him. He smiles back at me and pecks my lips. 

"Well, you both have done your duties. Go have lunch, use the work card, dinner too. It's on me, I might be using that man of yours for interrogations from now on. I know you will too, when you become ruler," my dad says. I nod to him and guide my love to the door. 

"You're all gonna die, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" the bitch screams, starting to freak out. Nick stops, kissing my cheek, then walks over to her. He immediately grips her head again, but this time stays for 15 minutes. After that, she passed out. 

"Feed her to the hellhounds for me, as an early wedding gift, please?" Nick says to my father. I stare at my boy in amazement and love. My father chuckles and nods, smiling at him. 

"Make sure Maximus and Fernando get 3 days with her alone, and make sure you let him know that nothing is off limits," I add as Nick walks into my arms. We leave the office and walk to the elevator. I hit the down button and hold him in my arms. 

"You were so sexy in there," I say in his ear, making him bite his lip. I kiss his cheek, and the doors open. I walk in with Nick and hit the button to the ground floor. I lean against the back of the elevator and smile, admiring my fiancé's amazing body. His bubble-butt, confident stance, and amazing build. He moves and pulls the 'Emergency Stop' button. He turns around to me and slowly walks over. I raise an eyebrow at him, which makes him laugh. 

He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my neck. I place my hands on his waist, pulling him a bit closer to me. I lean in slowly, which makes him yank him to me. Our lips crash together and I kiss him as hard as I can. I pull away slightly and smile at him.

"As much as I would love to bed you over and fuck you as hard as I can, the elevator has cameras and I don't want it to be recorded. I will be the only one to see your naked body," I say, kissing his forehead, while he blushed. He quickly walks over and pushes the button back in. We made our way to the ground floor. I wrap my arm around his waist and gently guide him to my car. I open the door for him, smiling at him. He got in and I closed the door. I walk over to the drivers side and get in. I drive to the diner, my hand in Nick's hand. He turns on the radio, playing music gently in the background. Nick was humming along, looking out the radio. 

"I love you," I say, just thinking how no one had said those exact words in our relationship. And I wanted to be the one who said them first. I could feel his eyes on the side of my head, making me smile. I stop at a red light and look over at him, my beautiful boy. 

"Say it again," he asks, making me chuckle. 

"I love you Nick, with every inch of my being," I say, making him give me the biggest smile I've ever seen. 

"I love you too, so much James," he says, making me melt. I looked back at the road and started driving when the light turned green. 

I loved this man and no one would take him from me.

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