Chapter 133: Something is different here (5)

Start from the beginning

The Fire of Destruction was the greatest expert around Cale when it came to dead mana and how to purify it.

“What do you think was added to it?”

Cale asked the cheapskate as he walked.

– Death eventually comes for everyone, but death cannot easily snap the desire to live.

It was too dark to see what was at the end of this long hallway.

Cale reached his hand out.

A small rose gold current flew forward.

Crack, crackle.


Cale heard someone moan louder this time and then he noticed the room at the end of the hallway.

The groan had come from that room.

The room was covered in a darkness that could not even compare to what was in the other rooms.

The Heavenly Demon should be at the center of that darkness.

The cheapskate continued to speak as Cale observed that room.

He continued to talk after mentioning that death could not easily snap the desire to live.

– Compared to creating jiangshis, creating living jiangshis seems to be a skill that puts a living being in a state similar to death.

I am hypothesizing that they plant dead mana into the person’s body to make the aura of death exist inside so that it can snap the desire to live.

– Cale, I had a thought while listening to you explain how living jiangshis are made.

Cale had informed the cheapskate about the things he had learned regarding living jiangshis as soon as he was able to communicate with the cheapskate again.

It was the information he had gathered from the Imperial Palace thanks to Chief Eunuch Wi.

‘In order to create one living jiangshi, you need one living person and 443 lives as sacrifices.’

That was the method left in the Imperial Palace regarding how to create living jiangshis.

‘However, there is also a medicine that is required to turn a human into a living jiangshi. Even the Imperial family does not know much about the medicine. How to make it as well as what it is… All they know is that it takes the form of a black liquid.’

Cale believed that the black liquid was dead mana.

However, he was thinking that something else might be mixed with the dead mana inside that black liquid.

– If that method of creating living jiangshis is correct… I believe that the dead mana created by the 443 corpses and ‘something’ created from the deaths of 443 people would have affected it.

– Although I cannot be certain… For example, hatred, grudge, fear… Emotions like this could have been infused within the dead mana. Or, maybe the souls of the dead became vindictive spirits.

Cale had thought about those options as well.

“I don’t know about souls, but would emotions be able to take form and have power to make things happen?”

– I’m not sure. I’ve not experienced it, but wouldn’t it require that level of hatred, grudge, or fear to create smoke like this?

– Cale, I’m sure you can tell as well. This dead mana smoke suffocates people more than normal dead mana.

Cale responded with silence to show his agreement.

He had not noticed it while purifying Namgung Tae Wi because it was different from this.

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