Chapter 89: Why are you there? (4)

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‘So basically…’

Cale organized his thoughts.

‘That old man from the Beggars’ Gang, Ho Song Yi or whatever his name is, and that stubborn-looking Dokgo Chang are both trying to save Choi Jung Soo?’

An odd light swirled in Cale’s eyes as he slowly opened them again.

– Hey Sui Khan! Our human and innocent Choi Han both have weird gazes now! Ah! Yours is weird too!

Cale did not know what Raon was saying to Sui Khan as he leaned against a tree. He then crossed his arms.

There was a need to watch them a little longer.

It was at that moment.


Dokgo Chang let out a laughter-like sigh.

“Senior. I may know nothing of politics and am in the dark about logic because I only focused on swinging my sword, but… I still know how the world runs.”


There was a quiet sound and the large sword easily pulled out of the ground.

Anger was slowly filling Dokgo Chang’s eyes.

“Wasn’t it the Nine Sects One Gang who requested that Noble Warrior Choi be recorded as a Public Enemy of the Martial Arts world? Furthermore, I heard that the Beggars’ Gang and the Wudang Sect were the first to bring it up.”

With the Beggars’ Gang being the one gang in the Nine Sects One Gang… The Wudang Sect was one of the nine sects.

They, as well as the Shaolin Sect, were known as the leaders of the Orthodox faction. In addition, they were a sect with a long history that studied the dao along with the Mount Hua Sect and the Kunlun Sect.

‘I heard the same thing as Dokgo Chang.’

Cale had also heard that the Beggars’ Gang had played a big role in this Public Enemy of the Martial Arts World declaration.

“After doing that, you are telling me that you are going to go save Noble Warrior Choi? With these little twerps tagging along?”


That word made the Beggars’ Gang’s Young Gang Leader, the monks, and the ascetic scowl.


Of them, an extremely healthy monk was glaring at Dokgo Chang while chanting a Buddhist mantra. As Cale looked toward that person…

Chief Eunuch Wi sent a sound transmission.

– Young master Kim, I have heard that that person is the Shaolin Sect’s greatest rising star. His name is Jeong Hye. However, his disposition is extremely hostile for someone who is Buddhist.

It was at that moment.

“Hmph. Uncle, I will stop the twerps.”

One of the two young people behind Dokgo Chang, the woman, stepped forward.

Chief Eunuch Wi’s sound transmission continued.

– That is the Dokgo Clan’s young clan leader, Dokgo Ryeong. She was born with natural talent and her strength is said to rival those of the Seven Dragons and Five Phoenixes. Oh, for your reference, monk Jeong Hye is one of the Seven Dragons.

The Orthodox faction’s talented rising stars who would lead the generation in the future…

The most talented of that group were called the Seven Dragons and Five Phoenixes.

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