Chapter 128: Boss trash and trash one, two, three (8)

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The signboard hanging on the gate into the Kunlun Sect…

The signboard that had KUNLUN written on it had fallen to the ground.


It also cracked.


Daoshi Un Seon, who just arrived, looked at the cracked signboard with disbelief before turning her head.

She was at a loss for words.

Pieces of wood from the broken gate were scattering in the air.

“T, the gate-”

“Pavilion Master-nim!”

Un Seon supported the Pavilion Master who put a hand on the back of her head.

The Rules and Virtues Pavilion. As the Pavilion Master for the Pavilion in charge of the Kunlun Sect’s Rules and Behavior, she seemed quite shocked while looking at the destroyed gate and the cracked signboard.

Of course, part of it was because the Pavilion Master was quite weak for being a martial artist.

However, Un Seon understood the Pavilion Master’s current feelings.

“Such chaos-”

Nobody heard her mumbling.

It was because her voice was currently buried.

“Y, you Unorthodox faction bastards dare to destroy the main gate of the Great Kunlun Sect?!”

The Cleave Saint shouted.

“Senior, you are not even a member of the Kunlun Sect so why are you stepping in? Hmm? Are you so old that you forgot your affiliation?”

Xia Mun immediately retorted back.

“What? You stupid mountain bandit bastard!”

“I guess a guy who loses to a stupid mountain bandit in a battle of words must have rock for brains?”

“Ha! Haha! This mountain bandit bastard is trying to get himself killed! Haha!”

“Hmph! You damn hypocrites! The Demon Cult is allowed in but the Unorthodox faction is not? You are going to look down on me, the representative of the Green Forest, and a child of the Sima Clan? This is clearly looking down on the Divergent Coalition!”

Xia Mun pompously shouted before turning his head.

He looked toward Sima Jung, who was usually his enemy but was on the same side right now, as he spoke.

“Sima Jung! Don’t you feel the same way as the child of the Coalition leader?”

He then flinched.

“Seriously? This guy?!”

He got anxious and subconsciously shouted.


The Cleave Saint looked in the same direction and could just sigh in disbelief.

Xia Mun hid his anxiety and loudly called out once again.

“Sima Jung!”

“What is it?”

Sima Jung seemed to have finally heard his voice as he stopped walking and turned around.

While the Kunlun Sect’s people were looking blankly at the destroyed gate in disbelief and the Cleave Saint was arguing with Xia Mun… He had already started walking up the steps to the Kunlun Sect.

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