3 - Sophie

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Okay. So Keefe was definitely a troublemaker. Sophie wasn't entirely sure she wanted this Keefe as the best man at her wedding, but she supposed she should give him a chance. He seemed likeable enough. 

The weirdest thing was he seemed to almost be flirting with her all the time. And he was literally going to be the best man at her wedding. She shoved down slight queasiness which she wasn't sure where it had come from. 

He was the ideal choice, right? Dex had only recently gotten over his hate for Fitz, and Tam wasn't inspirational. He'd probably say something like Sophie was good to follow if they didn't want to end up dead and Fitz... Well, Sophie didn't know what Tam would say about Fitz, but it might not be good.

If only they could have a best woman. Linh would be amazing for that, or Biana. Biana would overdo her own glitter, of course. If she was best woman, she would turn up dressed like a disco ball.

Maybe she should ask Biana for advice. But for her best man? It was Fitz's decision. And if he wanted this prankster, then she supposed she'd go along with it.

He was handsome, Keefe, so at least he wouldn't look like a sorry disgrace at the wedding. He almost looked better than Fitz. Okay, maybe he looked a little better, but she couldn't admit publicly that her best man was more handsome than her husband.

Well, not husband. But he would be in a month. It was weird, though. A few months or a few years ago, that prospect would have filled her with excitement and slight anxiety. But now... What was this feeling? She was happy, but in a twisted way.

She had stopped getting along with Fitz a few months ago, but of course he was oblivious. He still thought she liked him, and she did, but they didn't finish each other's sentences anymore. Their minds didn't move along the same lines.

She'd crushed on him for six whole years. Surely, she couldn't let go of that now. He'd proposed, and she'd accepted, but he continued annoying her and being overprotective. He'd limited how much she got to see Dex and Tam, even though Dex was dating Marella and Tam had proposed to Biana a few days after Fitz had proposed to her.

He was crazy overprotective, but part of her didn't want to be alone. She knew that if she broke off the marriage now, she would be alone forever. Fitz wouldn't have any problems finding a girlfriend. Sure, the Vacker reputation had been damaged by Alvar, but he was still intelligent.

She couldn't. She almost wanted to, but she couldn't leave Fitz, because even though they argued, even though they didn't always understand each other, he was one of the few who would love her for who she was.

Fitz had left her alone with Keefe then, and she was daydreaming. She blinked herself out of it, turning to the blonde boy sitting in front of her.

"Soooo, how long have you known Fitz?" she asked, in an attempt to start conversation. 

Noticing she'd finally snapped out of daydream, he brightened considerably, and a smirk plastered itself on his face, and it looked like it belonged there.

"Well, I've known of Fitz for ages," Keefe explained, and Sophie nodded in understanding. Fitz had been sort of infamous when she'd come to the Lost Cities. "You know, since I was born. My dad was always comparing me to him, because Fitz was perfect and all, and I was me. Troublemaking. With much better hair."

Sophie raised an eyebrow at that. "Better hair? Your hair looks virtually the same as his."

Keefe clutched his chest and fell off his chair. Gasping, he lay on the ground. "You... Insulted... The Hair..."

Sophie squinted at him. "What is with you, drama king?"

"Not dramatic!" he defended himself, standing back up. "But the Hair is something beautiful, and elegant, and worth spending most of my money on."

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