2 - Keefe

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He felt like he knew this Sophie Foster. He really did, but the name Sophie didn't quite cut it. What had he used to call her anyway? Soph? Didn't really seem to fit.

And she'd run out in tears, real tears, not frustrated tears. Not like those random girls who'd just wanted him to love them even though they were weirdos.

And he felt sincerity from her when she said she said she was his girlfriend. Maybe she was? Sophie... Sophie. He felt like he should remember her. But why would he call her Sophie anyway? He called everyone by nicknames. He had friends... Although he didn't really remember who his friends were either.

After Sophie left, this other weird boy came in with his sister looking annoyed. He had weird silver bangs and his sister had silver-tipped hair.

"Ew, bangs," Keefe said, making a face. "What do I call you? Huh, Bangs Boy would cut it."

"What are you talking about? You always call me Bangs Boy," Bangs Boy snapped, annoyed, and glared at his sister. "Linh, I told you this was a bad idea."

"He lost his memory, stupid," his sister, Linh, said, elbowing him. "Hey Keefe, I'm Linh, we used to be friends but it's okay if you don't remember me, I'm a Hydrokinetic."

"Ooh, water tricks," Keefe said and fake-applauded.

Linh rewarded him with a small smile. "Yeah, um..."

"She's taken," Bangs Boy said. "And I'm Tam, so stop thinking of me as Bangs Boy."

"How did you guess?" Keefe asked in mock surprise.

"Because you're you," Tam scoffed.

"Stop it, Tam. We're supposed to be reminding him of his past self," Linh chided her brother.

"Wow, I like her way better than Bangs Boy here," Keefe said, pointing accusingly at Tam, "but what do you mean by past self?"

"You know, who you were... I mean, who you technically are," Linh pointed out. "We need to, because you're basically Sophie's emotional support human."

"Excuse me? I would never," Keefe said. Although... Yes, he would. Helping Foster... Helping Sophie... Wait, that was it.

That was what he called her.


She was... Yes, she was Sophie Foster. But she was his girlfriend? That, he didn't remember.

"Wow, Funkyhair is getting an amaaaaazing revelation," Ro smirked.

"Shut up," Keefe mumbled. Poor Foster. He'd sort of sent her away.

"You remember something now, don't you?" Linh asked excitedly.

"Well, um, yeah, kind of," Keefe muttered. He didn't remember being particularly close to Linh, but he did remember being her brother's nemesis. A little.

"His memory is coming back," someone said from the doorway.

Magnate Leto.

And... Something else.

What, again?

He was someone else too?

Ugh. He hated not having his memories.

"Hey, Principal Pillowhead," Keefe said.

Magnate Leto frowned. "You remember that?"

"Yup! Although I can't quite remember from when. But I did vow to call you Principal Pillowhead from then onwards!" Keefe grinned, but Magnate Leto was frowning. So was Elwin, and so was Linh, and so was Tam...

"How does he remember that and not remember Sophie?" Tam asked quietly.

"She's gonna be heartbroken, man," Ro jumped in. "You gotta do something about that, Forkle."

"Magnate Leto," Magnate Leto hissed at her.

Forkle? As in, Mr Forkle? Who was he again? Ummmm... He was somebody important. Yeah, Keefe remembered that. Magnate Leto, or Forkle, or whoever, was somebody important.

He slumped back on his bed. "This is gonna need a lot of explaining before I remember who I am," he groaned.

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