1 - Sophie

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"So, Sophie, this is my best friend, Keefe," Fitz said, gesturing to a handsome blonde boy who seemed to have a permanent smirk on his face.

Gosh, he's hot, Sophie thought before she could stop herself, and blushed. She hadn't realized it before, when they'd first met, but now... Now that she wasn't covered in goo...

"Wow, you have a LOT of emotions. Wouldn't be hiding anything, would we, Foster? Like the fact that you... Perhaps... Ruined Galvin's cape?" Keefe asked, winking.

Something he said made her frown. "Foster?" Sophie asked uncertainly.

"Isn't that your surname? Unless it's a fake. You're certainly mysterious enough."

"No - um. Most people call me Sophie."

"I'm not a regular person." Keefe winked again. "Chief mischief-maker, record holder for the most detentions, oh, and did I mention Dame Alina hates me?"

"The principal hates you?" Sophie asked, surprised, but not before a tall girl with wavy brown hair approached. She looked a little bit like Biana, but not quite.

"Talking to girls again, are we, Keefe?" she asked sweetly.

Was that irritation that crossed his face? Maybe she'd imagined it, because then he was smirking again. "Got a problem with that, Diana?" he asked.

"Oh, I just thought, since I'm your girlfriend, you might want to... Well, you know."

"Sure," said Keefe unconvincingly.

"You coming with me, babe? I wanted to get something to eat," Diana said coolly, shooting a disapproving glance at Sophie.

Did I do something wrong? Sophie wondered as Diana paraded Keefe away, linking arms with him. He looked disgruntled, but obviously he shouldn't. He was dating Diana, wasn't he?

"What's up with him and... Diana?" Sophie asked Fitz.

"Oh. He's been dating her for about three months now. His father set it up. Thinks Diana's right for him. I don't know about that; she's perfect, basically. Doesn't break any rules. Pairing her with the Chief Troublemaker? I think his dad was hoping she'd rub off on him." Fitz grinned. "Not that it's working, anyway."

"Sure," Sophie mumbled back, her response sounding just as unconvincing as Keefe's, but Fitz didn't question it and left her alone.

She didn't know what made her do it, but she went to the canteen, and began... Well, spying on Keefe and Diana. For absolutely no reason. Maybe because every time he linked arms with her and she... Well, was... Intimate with him, she was feeling something called jealousy.

Who was she kidding? She'd only known him for a day. Diana must've known him for forever.

Didn't she?

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