6 - Keefe

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Keefe watched his father leave and glanced at Sophie. "You didn't have to do that," he said softly.

Sophie didn't release his hand. "I want to," she responded softly, reaching out to him.

He instinctively flinched away, because no one had ever touched him without meaning ill.

"Keefe?" Sophie asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm not... Used to it is all. And my father.... He..."

"Lord Cassius can get eaten by the gorgodon for all I care, Keefe, are you alright?" Sophie asked.

"Get eaten by the gorgodon?" Keefe flashed her his trademark smirk. "You must really hate him, huh, Foster?"

"Quit dodging the question, Keefe." Her mouth was set in a hardened line, and though she was still friendly, she had an air of ferocity to her.

He only laughed in response. "Chillax, Foster, I don't mean any harm. I'm Keefe Sencen. All I do is prank people."

"You. Haven't. Answered. The. Question." She was glaring daggers at him now. "Are. You. Okay?"

"Define 'okay'."

"Not having a mental breakdown," Sophie said flatly.

"Maybe half okay?"

"Okay. What's wrong?"

She looked so cute when she was worried, and if the worry storm hadn't been slamming against his senses, he was sure he'd be teasing her nonstop.

He sighed, running his fingers through his hair while carefully avoiding ruining it. "Just... For a split second, I thought he cared, you know?" He looked away from Sophie, to the window where Lord Cassius raised a Pathfinder to the light and vanished. "But he didn't, it was all about his stupid reputation as usual."

"Keefe..." Sophie reached out for him again, and this time, he didn't flinch away, letting her cup his cheek. She moved over to him and embraced him, making everything alright. "Your father loves you in his own way, and..." She took a deep breath and glanced at the spot where Cassius had vanished with deep loathing, "he'll never make you feel loved, but... He isn't the only person you have, okay?"

Of course he wasn't. He had her, and that was way better than Cassius.

"I know, Foster," he whispered, embracing her back. "I know."

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