4 - Keefe

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"What is going on here?" Diana demanded.

Oops. He probably shouldn't have been thinking about kissing Foster at the exact moment she turned up.

"We're talking," Keefe said. "Is that illegal now?"

"Well, you should think more about how your girlfriend would feel about you flirting with a girl of common birth!"

"A girl of what?" Sophie asked, while Keefe's eyes narrowed.

Diana raised her fist to throw a punch at Sophie but Keefe grabbed her arm.

"Stop," he whispered. "You can hurt me, but if you even lay a finger on Foster-"

"'Foster'," Diana imitated him with perfect clarity. 

"You're a Polyglot. You manifested!" Keefe said, disbelieving.

"Not just that - I'm also an Empath. And I could feel you crushing on Sophie - your beloved Foster - from a mile away. I just want you to remember that I'm your girlfriend, Keefe. Not this good-for-nothing new girl."

Diana grabbed Sophie's arm and knocked Keefe's head hard with her other arm. Her bracelet of unique pebbles were nothing but rocks striking against his head, and darkness swallowed his vision up.

"I'll tell everyone it was you," he choked out before the darkness could swallow him whole.

But - to his shock and horror - Diana was laughing. Like a maniac. Like it was all planned out, a perfect play, perfected and foolproof. Maybe it was, to some extent, but she'd left out the fact that Keefe was a witness. Even as she stroked his chin like a girlfriend would, she had such and evil smile on her face. She was getting rid of Sophie, of course she was, all because Keefe couldn't break eye contact with her beautiful brown eyes.

"I'll... Never date you again. I'll tell my father, and my mother, and Dame Alina, and Elwin-" The darkness was almost completely blocking his vision now, and Diana was nothing but a pale blur. Sophie was unconscious in his girlfriend's arms. Not girlfriend - he was never, ever going to date Diana again.

"Maybe you will," Diana whispered as the roar of the darkness engulfed him, "but who will listen to you?"

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