8 - Keefe

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"Yes, she does," Keefe said quietly, never loosening his grip on Diana, and he could feel her slight shock, but she covered it up with utter confidence.

"Well, you won't find her here," she said, and she was giving away disgust, but no guilt. No fear, either. Did she really think Keefe couldn't find Sophie?

He stretched out his emotional senses and his eyes widened. Sophie was just beyond that door.

"What's in that room?" he asked, pointing.

Diana didn't miss a beat. "My dad's study. He's working in there now, though, so don't bother him."

Keefe smiled as he shook Diana's hand slightly. "You want to know something about Empaths, Diana?"

Diana laughed, not even slightly awkward. "Well, I'm an Empath now, so I would know, wouldn't I?"

"Well, you haven't unlocked this one yet. Aren't you even the slightest bit curious?" Keefe continued, raising his voice slightly.

Diana merely laughed again. "If you're trying to scare me into submission, you're failing. You're doing it all wrong, Keefe. Don't you realize? I can love you, and we can be together. But, since it bothers you so much, and you're my boyfriend-"

"No," Keefe interrupted.

Diana's eyebrows raised. "No?"

"You're not my girlfriend and I'm not your boyfriend. I'm done with you, Diana."

Diana clapped her hands like she hadn't expected any better. "Oh, fine. You hold too many grudges, Keefe. Now, what's this fact about Empaths you wanted to tell me?"

"When Empaths lie, they skip three heartbeats," Keefe said, his voice filled with malice. "So, what did you say is behind that door again?" 

This time, she was a little scared when the answered, "My father's study, remember?"

Three skipped heartbeats. He'd called it.

"Well, Diana," he said, "you're going to face a Tribunal."

"You really think I would?" Diana laughed out loud.

Keefe drew a dagger from his belt and held it out to Diana.

Diana only laughed again, so annoyingly. "You wouldn't dare."

"I would." And he hurled it at her.

But at the last moment, Diana swung the door wide open, and the dagger pierced Sophie's chest.

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