8 - Keefe

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Keefe was getting better, or so he hoped, because Foster was... Well, really, really worried. He'd almost gotten all of his memories back, and had gotten past the abusive part, but now came the Neverseen memories.

He recalled the moment his mother, Lady Gisela Minette Sencen, who'd never shown any signs of being evil other than being a horrible mother, get her hood blown off and be revealed to him.

He watched them attack Sophie Foster, his beloved, and was helpless to intervene. 

He remembered Sophie's determination as she went to rescue her human parents, her jaw set, her eyes narrowed, and everything about her screamed courageous girl that you really want to kiss.

Although, he could feel her and Fitz really crushing on each other. And he was the one on the outside of the love triangle, the one whose line wasn't quite linked, being faded as it was, and he was Keefe, the reject.

And Sophie never noticed. He had to live through the Great Foster Oblivion again, only ten times worse, because he knew she would grow to love him but he didn't know when.

Having some hope but it not happening was worse than not having hope at all. But Sophie squeezed his arm and gave him a look so full of adoration and love that it empowered him to continue.

Until finally, he found it.

That memory.

The one that changed everything.

She told him she cared about him, and he told her he loved her, and he kissed her. The thing he'd dreamed of doing for the past few years, and he was finally together with Sophie Foster.

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