24.Mile - Crazy

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I let him sleep and gently caress his hair. I felt full and content.  Since I meet him 3 years ago, I always felt I miss something and I cant identify what I miss about. Now I know he is what I miss before, I wont let him go again. I reluctantly send him back to his brother. I promise him 2 weeks.
I hate you, he shout and run to his room. Phi forth look at me ackwardly.  Sorry about that, he said. Both of us look at pha who now run to his baby and glare at me.  Thank you, phi forth said. I just nod and leave after looking at bright room.

He try to avoid my touch and kiss when I refuse his request and  force him to finish his training. Actually  I am melt down on how he try to escape from the training but he can't escape from my great generals. Bible heartlessly drag him from my bed on the next day. I cant do anything because the person who really protect his ass are my team. He is screaming ask for help but I cant do anything.  He run to me every time he could but all my team cruelly bring him back. He maybe cant be as strong as my team, but he definitely know there are a lot of strong people out there. He cannot act reckless. That the main point we try to teach him.

But honestly I can feel phi forth now. Before, I cursed him because he cant control his brother better and I  still  remember  how I look at him who are enjoy his movie in my room. I am  suppose to be his training teacher . Its my turn to train him but i really cant force him to do anything.  All my team a scolding me and call me loser. I never thought I can be that lenient with him. I have so many plan but at the end I just let him do what he want before bible take over. Because of that he refuse to sleep with me and make me sleep on sofa.

He look so handsome walking behind his brother. Like always he glare at me when he see me. Phi forth casually greet us and have a small talk before going to their part which now in front of us. The leader is back, no one dare to touch his team again. Now there are at the zone in front of us. Its mean they become powerful. I can see him clearly this time.
Stop it, don't you love your eyes, pete ask me. I look at him and then look at phi forth who are looking at me.  I just smile and nod to him. I must he crazy, but I really miss him. With phi forth protection its hard to get close to bright now. He is really back now.

I now run on the beach like always. I felt like screaming when I see bright and the kids. Hi, I greet him. He look shock but glare at me before try to run. I cant let this chance go, I quickly grab his hand and force him to run with me. I ask the kids to stay away from water. I know they don't dare to ignore my order. 
What are you doing, he ask me. Running , I said and force him to run too. Stop, leave me alone, my phi will kill you he said.  I just chuckle. Stop it he said and bit my hand.  Oh my god, I miss you, I said and kiss him hard. I know he is struggling to escape but I don't give him a chance. Dont you miss me baby, I ask him gently.  Dont baby me he said coldly. You are my baby, I said. I told you before, I said again. He look at me and rolls his eyes. Try to run again. Lets talk, I said. No, my phi will take me home, so you better leave now he said try to act fierce. I dont response to him but pull him to sit on the beach.
How are you, I ask him gently. Nearly die because of your team he reply quickly.  I slowly chuckle. Its already months , but he still cant forget how my man trained him. Luckily he start to behave. I cant blame him, that two weeks is very tough. Furthermore my friend dont give him special treatment. So it's understandable when he still salty about that two week.

I start getting annoyed when I cant see bright much. He is like a diamond which is protected by phi forth tightly.   Beside looking at him at the zone I cant find him anywhere.  It's really frustrated.  That's why I never know about him before. Should we continue put moons under our protection, bible ask me.
I really dont know how to response. Phi forth already powerful enough. We are lucky because we somehow are their friend. He already pay back to everyone who touch his brother and his group this 3 years before. Now people are shivering when heard about them. The best part is, now they are known as black moons. I cant even ask my cousin help because now he is in invisible mode. No one know where he is. I am sure that baby mafia now all over the moon right now. I still remember how he smirk at me when I ask will he meet me again. No, continue to guard bright. I still don't believe him I said. Bible just nod and continue his game. I must be crazy, but I miss him. Lets go I said. I need to do something before I become more crazier.  Lets enjoy ourself pete said.

It was crazy night, i let myself go. I keep drinking non stop. I just enjoy the girl dancing on my lap. I also don't push them when they try to seduce me. I must be drunk. I am so angry right now, but I really cant do anything.  I cant let my cousin down. So I just follow the flow. My team are doing crazy and enjoy the night. Everyone was under alcohol. When the girl on my lap nearly kiss me she was push hard to the floor. I look at the girl who helplessly fell down before I look at angry baby mafia. I try to concentrate but I really felt dizzy. Before  I manage to grab  his hand, he start walking away.

Thank you for reading❤️

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