Chapter 9 Costume Troubles

Start from the beginning

Soon they arrived at the twin's place which was in the suburban part of the city so the area was more quiet as there were more normal houses rather than skyscrapers of apartments and buildings for companies. Martha parked her car in the twins driveway and the three all got out of the car and headed inside the house. When they got to the door Natalie rang the doorbell. After she did, footsteps were heard on the other side of the door. A click was then heard on the other side of the door and it opened. The trio were greeted with a woman in an apron with some spaghetti sauce stains on it.

"Hello, Miss Climer! We're here to see your twins!" Martha explained in an excited and cherry tone.

"Oh right you three need them to make your outfits for the battle of the bands. Well come on in! Oh and if you all are hungry I'm almost done with lunch so if any of you are in the mood for spaghetti then go on and stay," Miss Climer offered kindly.

"Thanks I am pretty hungry so I could go for some lunch," Taylor said.

"Hehe I'm glad to hear that, now my kids are upstairs, my wife will let you know when lunch is ready," Miss Climer informed.

"Thanks, I can't wait to eat, I'm hungry," Natalie said.

"C'mon guys! Let's go already! Tomorrow is the day and I wanna impress everyone in the school with our tunes and have the twins be recognized for their talent in the art of fashion and sewing!" Martha exclaimed.

The trio ran upstairs to meet up with the twins, Miss Climer smiled proudly that her children will be recognized for their talents. The three arrived at a door that had "Don't Enter Work Going on!" written on a sign. Natalie went up to the door and lightly knocked on it hoping that the twins were inside. The three heard some footsteps and wheels rolling on the other side of the door. When the footsteps reached the door the knob turned and the door opened up slightly before a chain restricted it from opening up any further. On the other side was an albino boy with a black T-shirt and gray shorts on.

He looked through the crack in the door and when he saw the trio he smiled brightly. "Hey guys, give me a sec and I'll undo the lock," the guy said before closing the door again. Once closed some clicks were heard before it opened again, this time it opened all the way.

"Hey John, where's Leha?" Martha asked as Natalie, Taylor, and she all walked into the room.

"I'm right here!" Leha called out. The trio looked and saw another albino girl standing next to three mannequins.

"And I just finished putting the final touches on your outfits, what do you all think?" Leha asked as she backed up and allowed the three to see the outfits.

"Wow Impressive! Looks like you made the right call to ask the twins to make the outfits M!" Taylor exclaimed as they saw the work.

Their outfit was a sleeveless silk black jacket, a purple and white zigzag style shirt, white tights with yellow lightning bolts, and to top it all off black boots with spiked belts.

"Wow! It has the colors of the Non-Binary flag!" Taylor exclaimed, happy and impressed.

"Yeah my bro and I thought that you'd like something that represents who you are," Leha explained.

"Well thanks! This is awesome!" Taylor exclaimed happily.

"Mine's awesome too!" Natlaie exclaimed.

Her outfit was a black sleeveless vest, a layered high low dress, and some black full heel shoes. Finally Martha was the most impressed by the twins' work, her outfit was a yellow and white sequin covered tank top, a black pair of ripped leggings, and white shoes with black soles.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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