Chapter 7 Ninja Love

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It was an average Wednesday and it was so boring as Natalie and Martha were in their algebra II class. Natalie hated math as she didnt like to think with logic as it hurt her brain. She looked to Martha and saw she was texting someone on her phone from under her desk. The way Martha was doing it made it look like she was looking at the teacher while she was teaching, so she wouldn't get caught.

Note to self, ask Martha how to look at your phone when bored out of your mind in class so you don't get caught, Natalie thought to herself.

After a dreaded long half an hour the bell finally rang for lunch, so algebra II was over for the day. When Natalie heard that bell run she jumped for joy on the inside as she was starving and needed a break from learning for a bit. All the students in the classroom got up and suddenly made a break for the lunch room as if a demon were on their tails.

"Wow! What's going on?!" Natalie asked as she and Martha were roughly pushed by the sea of students.

"Oh! You dont know! Today is Pizza Day! And for dessert only the best of the best!" Martha exclaimed excitedly.

The two were then shoved into the lunch room and when they arrived Natale was shocked by what she saw on the dessert table. It was her uncle, Martha's dad handing out sweets to the students who got their normal lunch.

"MY DAD'S BAKED GOODS!" Martha screamed in delight.

When she screamed, everyone cheered in joy as they all loved her Fathers pastries. Natalie was impressed that her uncle was selling his baked goods in the school. She had no clue that the bakery had become this successful; she did know that people lined up for them. However she needed to ask how far the business had grown since the last time she was here. So both of them got their lunches and when they went to grab their desserts Natalie decided to ask.

"Hey Uncle, I didn't know you sold pasterties at the school. How successful did the bakery get?" Natalie asks.

"Huh? Oh the pastries are free, this is a charity thing I do, and the bakery has gotten so big that I had to open up two more shops on two other blocks," Mason explained.

"W-what?! Really?" Natalie asked, surprised to hear that.

"Yeah let's talk about it when we get home cous, we're holding up the line," Martha explained before sliding Natalie and her tray out of the way. She then brought herself and her cousin over to their lunch table, which was right next to the window that overlooked the parking lot.

"Ah, nothing like pepperoni pizza and my dad's chocolate, maple, and cream eclairs!" Martha exclaimed happily as she began eating.

"Yeah I agree, well for me it's the cinnamon buns that are my favorite," Natalie explained.

Martha smiled and the two began eating their foods as they were both very hungry. As they were eating Martha suddenly felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out to check and saw her notifications. When she looked she saw that it was a text from her romantic partner Taylor. Seeing the text Martha instantly opened it up to see what they had sent her.

"Hey Martha, check out what my school has made for lunch," Taylor sent along a picture with what looked like a possible lasagna with legs. When Martha saw it she felt sick to her stomach as it looked utterly disgusting.

"Wow what are they putting in the food to make a lasagna look like an alien creature?" Martha texted back.

"I don't know and I don't want to find out," Taylor responded.

"Hey cous, who are you texting?" Natalie asked as she took notice of Martha's activity on her phone.

"Oh just texting Taylor, look what they're having for lunch!" Martha exclaimed and showed Natalie the picture.

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