Chapter 8 Icy Day

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A week had passed and Taylor had now transferred into Martha and Natlaie's school. This was mainly because their parents had realized that their old school was pretty toxic for them. Taylor wasn't going to have a bright future with the kind of useless teachers working there. They didn't mind the transfer that much as it meant they could spend more time with Martha and Natalie. So when they arrived at the school they saw the two cousins right outside the school gates.

"Hey Martha, hey Natalie!" Taylor called out.

The cousins looked over where they heard the voice and saw Taylor running up to them. "Oh hey Taylor! Welcome to Starhigh!" Martha exclaimed happily.

"It's welcoming to be here," Taylor said.

"That's good to hear, hey why don't me and Martha show you around the place before classes start?" Natlie suggested.

"Sure! I'd love a tour from you two!" Taylor exclaimed excitedly. The two girls smiled and Martha grabbed onto Taylor's arm then started leading them into the school. The girls showed them around the school till the first bell of the day went off, telling the three of them that first period was about to start.

"Oh dear! Come-on Taylor let's go! Our first class is Algebra II and Miss C will not be happy if we're late," Martha explained.

"Alright! Let's go and hey! Why don't we head down to the park later to do our homework?" Taylor asked.

"Sure! We'd love to right Natalie?" Martha asked.

"Yeah! Anytime!" Natalie exclaimed. Taylor smiled and the three headed off to their first class before any of them were late. Some time later now the three were in the main area of the school chatting before their next class.

"So Taylor, how are you adjusting here?" Martha asked.

"Pretty well so far! Everyone here is so much nicer and the teachers are actually helping me learn unlike the old ones at my previous school," Taylor explained.

"That is great to hear! I'm so happy that you're enjoying your time here!" Martha exclaimed.

Taylor smiled at this, happy to be going to school with their girlfriend and their friend. They hoped that they'd be accepted more here than they were back at their old school after coming out as Non-binary.

"Hey! Taylor! Before we go to the park Martha and I have a ninja fan club meeting after school today! We're going to be practicing some ninja moves! One of them being a ninja back kick!" Natlaie exclaimed then did said back kick.

However her foot ended up hitting the school fountain's outer statue of a sword in a rock. To their horror a faint crack was heard and when Natlaie removed her foot they all saw that she had cracked a white gem in the sword's guard.

"Oh crap! Okay! I can fix this! I have some art supplies in my locker! I'll go in and grab them! Martha, you come with me and help me bring it here! Taylor, you just stand in front of the gem and make sure no one sees the crack till we fix it!" Natlaie blurted out before grabbing Matha's hand and running to her locker.

Taylor just stood there while waiting for the girls to come back with the supplies. They did wonder how Natalie was going to repair the gem with her art supplies. However as they stood there they suddenly felt an ice cold drop in temperature which made them shiver.

"W-When d-did it g-get so c-c-cold in h-here?" Taylor asked through shivers.

After those words left their mouths they felt something beginning to blast behind them, so they looked and saw a white icey glow coming out of the crystal Natalie had cracked. Just then a white blast came out of the crystal and Taylor was thrown back on their butt. When they looked up they were horrified to see a snowy wolf spirit floating over them. Before they could react the spirit flew down to them and Taylor screamed but it had been muffled by the spirit so no one could hear them. They fought back against it for a while till it disappeared, leaving them on the ground confused as what in the world just happened. Taylor then let out a burp; however, it sounded more like a bark and they had snowflakes and cold air coming out of their mouth.

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