Chapter 1 Fresh Start

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On a dark night in the deep depths of an old forest a man was running as if the world was about to end. The man wore a purple and black ninja suit and had a bullet wound on his shoulder and a stab wound on the back of his thigh. He also had a gash on his left eye, which had blurred his vision and filled half of it with nothing but red and black.

His injuries were beyond painful as every nerve in his body told him to stop running. The man did want to stop, unfortunately he couldn't as the ones responsible for the wounds were still pursuing him. The mysterious ninja man looked to his back, and even with the night having plunged the forest into darkness, and his damaged eye he was still able to see them.

A group of different people were closing in on him quickly, much to his horror. One had a gun in his or her hand which was the same one that was used to shoot him; another had a knife with some partially dried blood on it, the same knife used to stab him not too long ago. This person was also holding his or her right arm because it was broken.

The poor man turned his head away from the crazy psychos who had harmed him and continued running. He'd hope to find some way to get to safety; however, fate seemed to be working against him and he knew that this was where his light would finally go out. He soon came across a cliff that led down to a fast flowing river. For a moment he thought about jumping down there to live; unfortunately due to his injuries he would surely drown. So the man concluded that this was where he would die, so he decided to throw something down into the river to protect it.

Quickly the man pulled off a black ring with a purple gem off his finger and the ninja suit disappeared, leaving the man in his casual clothes he had put on this morning before he was attacked. He then threw the ring down into the river and it made a small splash as it made contact with the water.

After throwing the ring into the river the man pulled out a photo from his shirt pocket and took one final look at it. The photo was of him, his wife, and their fifteen year old daughter. That day was his daughter's birthday and he wanted to surprise her at her favorite restaurant. However, he knew that he wouldn't make it to the party now. The man stared at the photo for some time, only regretting that he couldn't see his young daughter blow out her birthday candles on her special day.

"Hehe, oh Natalie, I'm sorry I couldn't see you turn sixteen, but I don't regret protecting you and your mother. I love you both so much, and I hope the ring will one day find you and you'll be just as great as I was, if not better," the man weakly crooked out with the little amount of strength he had left. He instantly felt the cold blade of a knife on his neck; he knew that meant his time was finally up.

"You know, you would've lived if you had just given us the ring, but you had to have thrown it into the river. Now it's lost and you're powerless, so neither of us win tonight," the man holding the knife growled at the dying man.

"Hehe, no I won as I did my duty and protected both my family and the ring. Judas will never have it and he will remain in the dark world forever," the dying man declared with all his might and breath even though he was barely breathing.

"Well just see about that. Wont we? Your sacrifice will mean nothing once we set our lord free from his prison," the other man declared as he drove the blade into the dying man's throat.

The man fell to the grass that was now stained with his blood, finally dead, and only regretting not seeing his daughter one last time in real life, his hand clutching onto the photo even as his body slowly grew cold while his light went out.

Meanwhile in a small house in the countryside, a mother and her daughter were in the living room. The two had just gotten back from the birthday party at the daughter's favorite restaurant. However, they were both worried sick about the father as he never showed up at the party, despite promising he would after work.

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