"Alright," Clover says brightly, "why don't you guys leave so Cameron can get ready? We'll meet you downstairs."

My little cousins nod and run out the door, and Clover shuts it behind them. She comes over and sits on my bed; she won't look at me.

"You okay?" I ask again.


"Hey. Look at me."

She forces herself to meet my eyes.

"I like you, okay? A lot. I won't leave you."


I blink slowly and smile. "Always."

She glances at me, and then tackles me back onto my pillow, nuzzling my chest. I stroke her hair and smile. We stay like that for a few minutes before I decide it's time to get dressed. Clover turns around, sitting on my bed facing the wall while I get dressed in the clothes Clover just gave me, and put on a pair of black denim shorts to complete the outfit. When I'm fully dressed, I sneak up behind Clover and hug her from behind, which causes her to squeal. I laugh, my voice lighting up the room.

"Let's go downstairs and see what everyone's planned," I say. So she leads the way, guiding me down the stairs, and when we get into the ground floor of the lodge, everyone shouts, "Surprise!" Confetti shoots out of poppers and some people have those party horns, which they blow into, making noises. Cocoa and Spruce trot up to me and nuzzle against my legs. I pick Cocoa up in my arms, and Spruce trots in front of me as I walk.

Everyone eats breakfast in the large living room of the lodge after a very embarrassing birthday song. We're staying here for a few more days until the repairs on the house get done.

"I have good news," Kenneth says, entering the room.

I look up from my maple sugar bacon sandwich.

"We are officially moving in tomorrow!"

Everyone cheers, even Clover, who hugs me tight.

"Also, I signed you guys up for summer camp. Your first day is on Sunday, so you'll need to go to bed earlier tomorrow."

"Everyone?" I ask.

"Everyone who wants to go. And the parade today is at eleven, so you'd better eat up if you don't want to miss it."

Later, after the parade and picnic, we go back to the lodge for some swimming and then I spend the afternoon with Clover in my new bedroom at the house. Boxes are still in the closet, but for the most part, my things are unpacked.

"So, like.." I begin, but then I look up and see her fidgeting with her sleeves. "You okay?"

She nods nervously, still fidgeting. I lay a hand on hers, and she stops, clutching my fingers. Then she takes a deep breath and shakes her head.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I wait for a few minutes until she responds by shaking her head.

"You don't have to," I assure her. "It's okay." I pause. "Would you like a hug?"

Clover responds by falling into my open arms and crying into my shoulder. I don't know the full story of what she's been through, but based on what information she's told me already, I have some picture of it.

We sit there like that for awhile, me stroking her hair as her tears soak my T-shirt. Then Sally bursts into my room without knocking, sees Clover, and happily runs toward her to give her a bear hug.

"Hi!" Sally yells excitedly, smiling wide.

I see Clover cowering back slightly and give her a gentle hug. My sister immediately backs away. "Be quiet, please, Sally, okay?" I say softly. "Clover's having a bit of a rough afternoon right now."

"Sorry," Sally whispers, eyes suddenly full of guilt.

"It's okay. You didn't know."

"Anyway, happy birthday!" she says to me, cheerful again.

I smile. "Thanks!"

"Sally?" Lucas calls, coming up the stairs. He opens the door to my room, smiles at me and Clover, and then excitedly turns his attention to Sally. "I need your help preparing a surprise for Cameron, okay?"

Sally's eyes light up as she follows Lucas out of the room. I catch his eye when he exits and I mouth a quick thank you. Lucas nods solemnly in reply.

After they go downstairs, my full focus is on Clover again. A few minutes pass before she stops crying and cheerfully leads me downstairs.

"Happy birthday, sweetie," Mom says, coming over to me and smothering me with hugs and kisses.

"Thanks, Mom," I reply after a few seconds, and she stops.

"After a couple weeks, me and your dad will take turns having you and your siblings. Does that sound okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine."

About half an hour later, Lucas and Sally come back into my room to notify me that the surprise is ready. They lead me downstairs and out the front door to reveal a black motorcycle with a big red bow on the seat and a yellow balloon attached to each handlebar.

I'm so happy I nearly cry. "It's just like yours," I whisper to Lucas.

"Yep! And now you can go on rides with me!"

I throw my arms around my big brother. "Thank you," I say into his ear.

He chuckles. "No problem. When you get back from camp I'll show you the basics of how to ride a motorcycle."

We have dinner at the local sushi steakhouse, and Clover and Sernie attend the party we host there. Afterward, I go home with Clover. She calls her dad to pick her up and take us home.

Clover leads me up to her room and we crash onto the bed. I assume her little siblings have already gone to bed, too, as it's past eight-thirty. We watch a movie until eleven, and then we go down to the beach (with her dad's permission) and sit down under the night sky. I spread out the blanket and we lie down next to each other.

"I love astronomy," Clover says suddenly.

I look at her.

"I'm a Cancer. We're both Cancers."

I stay silent.

"I think Cancers are compatible with each other. I mean, I sure hope we are."

I don't say anything, just look at her. I love the dreamy gaze in her eyes as she says this.

"Are we?" she asks, still looking up at the sky.

I stay looking at her. "I think we probably are," I say.

A few minutes pass in silence, crickets chirping around us.

"Are we.." I begin. Then I stop.

A beat.

"Are we.." Clover prompts softly.

"Are we, like, girlfriends?"

"Do you want to be?"

Another beat.

"Yeah," I say, and as the word leaves my mouth, I realize that Clover is the one I've been looking for all along.

"Then we are, because I want to be as well."

The sky erupts into a frenzy of colors and sparks, fireworks shooting up before bursting into different colors and shapes. We snuggle closer under the stars and I can't help but think everything turned out right.

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