Start from the beginning

Skyler had immediately pulled herself out of her train of thoughts before she went down the rabbit hole and the entrance closes in on her.

For the next moments, Skyler became comfortable with those around her. The crew and the models alike. She was comfortable talking with them and they with her. Skyler attributed that to the fact that she's had to deal with her own roommate especially Albert and Taylor who can be regarded as Hollywood attractive and they knew it and flaunted it.


Fredward walked into the spacious studio and looked around for a particular short haired woman in disguise. He knew Danny was going to hold her up. This shoot was important anyhow.

His eyes scaned the occupied studio and when his eyes stopped, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into a fist at the sight in front of him.

His 5'5 assistant that was dressed in black jean, a non fitting turtle neck long sleeve shirt under a leather jacket was surrounded by hot models who were talking and laughing with her, while she had a bright smile on her face in return as she interacted with them.

The models were standing way too close to her for his liking and he didn't know why his chest contrasted at the sight. He could feel the burning anger from the pit of his stomach but he didn't seek the reason for it, but he knew that he was a moments away from punching the topless blonde haired guy that just put his arms around her shoulders nonchalantly with a flirting smile on his face.

Fredward ignored the part of his mind that reminded him that she is probably mistaken as a male as he headed over there.
Her back was turned to him, so Skyler wasn't aware of his presence until she could feel the total shift in emotion from the people around her and the noice at the background reduced gradually degree by degree.
She turned around when those around her politely greeted their boss.

"Mr Montgomery." Skyler couldn't hide the surprise in her voice nor could she hide the smile that curved the side of her lips or the shine in her eyes as she looked at him.

Skyler had not noticed but Fredward did. It sent a shot through his chest down to his loins.

Her eyes were wide and clear like she was very happy to see him. The smile that brightened up her face made his heart race out of pace and her voice...

Fredward clenched his fist harder, greatful for the sting of pain that shot through his palm as his nails dug into them and woke him up a little.

"I didn't think you'll be coming." Her voice remained its cheerful tone but one of her brows was raised in silent question.

"I thought I would check things out here and talk to Danny myself."

"Oh.ok." She nodded her head in understanding and pointed at the man with his long dreadlocks packed high in a ponytail and wearing a baggy bright orange short  sleeved round neck t-shirt with a bright purple body warmer over it that had lots of iron color zippers, who was standing with a weird pose as he took pictures of his current model and yelled strange instructions at intervals  which made the model change their pose.

"He still seem very busy and looks like he's in the zone." Skyler said and her eyes went back to Mr Montgomery who was still looking at her.

"I can see that." He said not actually taking his eyes off his little assistant."what are you doing?" He eyed the models who lingered around their area, some trying to be invincible, most trying to be noticed by the big boss and the crews looking at him wide eyed.

"I'm helping out, I think." She looked unsure and the look on her face just made Fredward's chest feel weird again. "Well, it's better than hanging around doing nothing." Skyler could see that the models were yearning for attention so she motioned to all of them in general.
"These are the models working with Danny for the shoot." And that was all the opening they needed to talk to him and then it started.

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