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Skyler knew that working for Fredward Montgomery had it perks but at the very moment, the perk she was enjoying was looking to be the best of them all.

Shouldn't you be in love with your boss, you pervert. Her inner voice chastised her.

First of all, I'm not in love with my boss...I just have a little crush. And two and finally...I'm a straight adult woman, it's only natural to enjoy some... Privileges. She fired back to her inner self as her eyes trailed the broad chest of the male model in front of her to his v waist line which was very exposed due to how low the band of his shorts were.

Huba Huba, come to mama.

You are disgusting.

I am, I know. Skyler felt like she could take on the world with the happy sight in front of her.

Skyler had come to the studio on an errand for Mr Montgomery and to her surprise, she had walked in on a shoot and the models were freakishly hot guys with panty dropping body.

Skylar had been kept on hold and she was more than happy to wait and watch from the sidelines. Watching sexy men pose in front of her camera was more fun than she imagined. She had witnessed Taylor and Albert take so many ridiculous pictures for their social that the act had seem ridiculous to her, but it was then Skyler realized that it was her disgusting roommates' fault.

You are supposed to be a straight  male. Her inner self warned.

Skyler looked around the studio to see that everyone everywhere were all working. No one was paying attention to the other.

I think it'll be fine. Skyler turned her full attention back to her afternoon banquet and what a glorious banquet she thought it was.

Time had passed but Skyler was in no rush to get back to her boss and even prayed that the renowned photographer who was a close acquittance of Mr Montgomery's would take his precious time and delay her as much as possible.

"Hey dude!" A voice drew her out of her trance and Skyler turned to look at a red head woman in a bob hair cut and a small pack with lots of zippers around her waist, making  it obvious that she was a stylist. She beaconed Skyler over.

"Me?" Skyler asked as she pointed to herself for certainty .

"Yes you." She replied back immediately. "I need your help."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Come on." She motioned for Skyler as she began to walk away and Skyler walked steadily behind her, following obediently.

"I need help with helping him into these, can you help me?" The red head Lara, motioned to the six foot model with shoulder length blonde hair, pec and abs that were practically screaming at her, and a perfect cheekbone that even the gods were jealous of.

"Oh." Skyler could feel her consciousness floating on the great vast ocean as she took in the sight in front of her, not minding that she was eye fucking him when she was still in her disguise.

"Can you help? It's just that you were the only one not doing anything and I need a little help." Lara explained with an apologetic look on her face clearly not comfortable with asking a total stranger for help.

"I-it's fine." Skyler shook the thoughts away from her head and focused on the task at hand. Actually, she was grateful for the task at hand. Thinking of a model's hot body just left visual image and startling curiosity of Fredward's body. Skyler was sure that he has a nice body. she could see the outline of his suit, his suit pants outlining his thigh muscles or whenever he rolled up the sleeve of his white shirt.

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