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"Thank you again for coming Skyler. Really." Sam thanked me again as he drove us to Mr Montgomery's home.

"It's fine Sam. Besides it's my job. It's kinda what I'm paid for."

"It is just that the way he treated you when we dropped you home. I was worried you wouldn't come." I looked at his face at the rearview mirror and his eyes met mine.

"It's fine. I understood that he wasn't in a great mood." I said and he nodded his head before taking his eyes back on the road.

Mr Fredward groaned besides me and shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he leaned his head against the head rest.

Taking Mr Montgomery across the huge and beautiful lobby even with the help of Sam was work. He could barely walk on his own and thankfully he had stopped babbling nonsense and being downright mean and offensive as we pulled him towards the elevator that later took us up to the top floor.

Surprise! He lives in a beautiful penthouse.

My inner self chipped in sarcastically, which I ignored as I was too occupied.

Sam helped me with him to his bedroom and helped me help Mr Montgomery to his bed. Honestly I and Sam both deserve a raise, if we weren't out of our jobs already.

"I'll get the water." I said and walked out of the huge bedroom which on a normal day I'll admire but again I am preoccupied. I walked around with the intention of figuring out where the kitchen was.

It was beautiful. I'm very average in the kitchen but I know a good kitchen when I see one and I couldn't help but wonder if Mr Montgomery could cook and I immediately shoved the image that that thought brought up into a tiny box and locked it far away in a secluded place at the deep and dark corner of my mind.

Sam entered the kitchen and I turned my attention to him. "Hey Sam. How is he?"

"I don't know what happened to him but I've never seen him like that. And I've worked with him for more than six years. That is a long time." Sam let out a worried sigh and rubbed his palm against his low shaven head. "It's like he's at the edge of a breakdown and to be honest it's freaking me out. I mean-" he stopped and let out a groan, like he was having a difficult time explaining it.

"-men like Mr Montgomery don't have breakdowns, right? I mean, they are always put together and collected." He finished.

"That doesn't mean they are not human. Being calm and collected has its downsides too. Holding things in all the time backfires" I understood where Sam was coming from. One wouldn't expect a man like Mr Montgomery to be like that but Mr Montgomery is human too. And I've seen him like this once, although this felt different.

I looked at Sam to see that his attention his now on my bunny slippers.

Shit. I was I'm a hurry that I totally forgot that I had put those on.

He looked up at me and his eyes held questions.

Ughhh. Not tonight, I'm worried about Mr Montgomery, I can't worry about this right now.

"It's comfortable." I said defending myself before turning away from the cabinet with an empty glass in my hand.

He doesn't look convinced and I don't understand the look on his face. He doesn't look very convinced and his eyes moved away from my face to my chest...Ok fuck!!!!

I'm not wearing any bra, all I had on was my shirt that said 'i'm a boss bitch' and normally my chest is normally flat because of my small breast but that didn't mean it's not there. The t-shirt was thin and my nipples strained against the material. My hoddie was a zip up hoodie but I've opened the zip and I've been preoccupied with Mr Montgomery that I completely let my guard down.

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