Chapter 34

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"Hi Anika..." Pause. A nervous chuckle "I know its late but I just wanted to tell you that I miss much. I haven't heard your voice properly in so many days and it weird to say it's giving me anxiety?"

The next note played.

"London used to be my place to escape my problems, but it feels terribly lonely here right now. All i do is wish for you to be here. Oh and, don't get mad but I've been looking for houses here. You know, to move in after we..."

He sent me 4 total voice messages and I listened to them all day.

"We could live in my penthouse if you want. But it's not... you know, you can modify it if you want or we could just get a new place. Whatever you wanna do"

The next few days seemed to pass with us sending each other voice notes because neither of us were able to pick calls up.

I was okay with it.

Until I wasn't.

I got a call from Vaishnavi and she asked me if we could meet. I agreed and went to the restaurant she gave me the address of.

I saw her sitting there with her head on her hand and she looked ...miserable.

She smiled at me when she saw me but it looked forced. I didn't mind.

"Hey. Thanks for coming" She said
"It's no problem"

She fidgeted her fingers and I noticed she was hesitating to say something.

"I really didn't mean to bother but... I don't really have friends" She begin.
"It's okay. What's troubling you?"
"I was with my boyf...ex. I just found out he was cheating and we were in a fight"

I put my hand on hers to comfort her and waited for her complete it.

"He said he was drunk" She gave a bitter laugh "That he didn't mean for it to happen but then the conversation heated up pretty quickly. He started insulting me and said how no one every stays in my life and that I can't even have friend-"

"That is such a terrible thing to say. Do you wanna get him locked up and beat the crap out of him?"

Her eyes widened and I quickly said "It was a joke"

Krish effect is getting up on me.

"I told him I do but I actually didn't. I just wanted him to know that I'll not be miserable without his presence and called you up when he was watching. I hope it didn't bother you or caused any—"

I stopped her before she could finish it.

"You know I was crying in the washroom that day when you helped me. I don't know what I would've done if you weren't there. I am your friend. And friends don't feel like they're troubling one another"

She gave me a smile.

"Next time something happens, you call me and say "Do minute mai mujhe milo warna mai ghar aajaungi"

She laughed at this and I noticed that she looked pretty when she laughs.

She wasn't drunk today. And she looked pure. Only an asshole could cheat on her, on anybody in fact.

"Men can't be trusted!" She said "We were together for 3 years. 3 YEARS! And he slept with someone on a business trip"

"That's disgusting. On a business trip? Yuck!"

"Should've known that. His secretary was hot"

"Excuse me? So what if she was hot? Does being hot allow you to sleep with anyone?" I argued.

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