Chapter 26

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A couple weeks back, Krish and me finally kissed after 3.5 years.

The moment was getting more and more steamy when my neighbour interrupted us for some sugar.

With a really fake smile, I took her bowl and went into the kitchen to get her some sugar.
She left when I handed her bowl back to her.

I huffed and went back to my room. I expected that we'd continue our little session but by the time I got back, Krish was passed out on my bed.

He must've been tired considering he only slept for a couple hours.

I got a little anxious when I remembered I didn't say I love you back to him and I still haven't.

We actually haven't met in two weeks. He's been busy with his office and I've been busy with opening my new firm.

The building wasn't very big but it was completely normal for a business that hasn't even gotten its first contract.

But then, I got a call. I'm not showing off but i'm the most recommended architect as of now and I got really excited when I got my first contract.

I haven't been able to tell this to Krish but it is maybe because it wasn't final.

I was supposed to meet the client today and show him a few designs. If he likes them, he'd approve.

I put on my best business suit and went to the restaurant we were supposed to be meeting in.

I took blessing from a temple nearby before going and then drove to the spot.

It was a 5 star restaurant with ceilings that were bigger than normal ones and it was lit up by just small lights and candles that were set up on the tables.

When I saw my client, I made my way toward him. My heart was beating fast and my hold on the papers tightened.

My first contract.
It's a do or die.
And i'm sure as hell not going home without him approving the deal.

His name is Nyxen Mehra. I asked my IT guys to do a little research on him and it was found out that he was raised in Chicago and the project is for London.

He wants to add a little Indian vibe to the building to keep his roots but should be mixed with a little bit of western style.

I held out my hand to him.

"Hello, sir. I'm Anika Sharma"

He held my hand and shook it lightly.

"Nice to meet you, Anika. Nyxen Mehra" He said.

I don't know why but when I looked closely at him, he looked like an older Krish but then I looked again and mentally shook my head. I just miss him a little too much.

He walked over to my side and pulled the chair out for me. I thanked him and sat on the chair.

He pulled his chair out and sat on it.

"I'm really sorry if it sounds intrusive, but how do you have an Indian surname but your name is n-"

"It's not intrusive at all, Miss Sharma" He said "My parents- Adoptive parents lived in The US. Any biological parents gave me away when I was a baby My adoptive mom was American so she named me Nyxen. You can call me Nyx"

I smiled at him but it was a little weird that he would tell me about his biological and adoptive parents. He's sharing more than he should.

"Very well Nyx, I have some designs for you that I think you wo--"

He interrupted me again and said "Should we get something to eat? I got here directly from airport"

"Sure" I said and gave him a tight lipped smile.

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