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Today is the day.

The day I was going to steal his phone, and get the call I've been waiting forever for.

I could lie and say that I'm very confident in my plan, but I'm not. This could end on two very different notes, being caught or getting away with it. I really hope the outcome will be the second note...

My plan is simple, wait till he gets in the shower and snatch his phone from his side table. After spying around him I've noticed that he just leaves his phone out in the open.

Obviously, this is risky. He could probably hear the door close while still in the shower, the doors in this place is practically ancient. Whenever I open the door it sounds like a little girl screaming. Not kidding.

Fara has told me many times this wasn't a good idea and I was going to get caught. But I'd rather get caught trying to get out, then suffering in silence here for years on end.

I don't want to end up like Ernie, poor guy. Probably stuck in here for the rest of his short time on this earth. Seriously, there's probably about 1 month left for Ernie. I'm surprised he's lived this long after I witnessed him down a bottle of vodka one night.
Kinda a mood...

Anyways, currently I'm waiting outside his room. I can feel my heart grow faster and faster the longer I stay outside his.

After approximately 3 minuets of waiting, I suddunley hear the sound of water hitting the bottom of the bathtub.

Action time baby!

Carefully I twist the nob of the door with my shakey hands, when I opened the door it made that painful screeching noise. In response I paused grabbing my hair and mimicked me screaming silently. After internally screaming for what felt like an hour, I took a deep breath in and calmed my self down.

Once I got in the room I tip-toed to the side table, my eyes glowed at the sight of the phone. I picked it up as if it was gold, holding it in the air reenacting the scene from lion king. But in reality, the phone was a flip phone and was extremely beat up.

Without wasting any time I reached my hand in my pocket to pull out the note that Lizzy had given to me, dialling the number on the phone.

It took a few seconds before the phone was answered.

"Hey, Lizzy?" I whispered and took a quick glance at the door, making sure no one was coming out.

"JJ!" I heard a squeal on the phone, my heart started to slow down when I heard her voice on the phone.

"Where have you been!?" she made no time shooting another question at me. As much as I wanted to answer all her questions I needed to be fast and get out of this room before he shows up.

"Lizzy, I'm at Woodland Creek Home for Boys and Girls!" — "I need you to call someone and get help here" I rambled out, not giving any context what's so ever.

"Wait.. What, are you okay!?" I heard her frantic voice on the other side, "can you do it, please Liz!" I beg her.

"Of course!" I let out a sigh, "I got to go, il tell you everything when I see you" there was a pause of silence between us.

"I love you" I whispered and she returned the gesture to me quickly.

When I hung up the phone the knot it my stomach started to loosen up. I silently and quickly folded the phone up and placed it back on the wooden table, making sure it was in the same place as before.

When I turned around to get out of the room, my eyes widened in shock and I stood paralyzed.

He stood right in front of me, his face beaming with anger. I could see his chest move up and down as he breathed heavily. He had a white towl around his waist and water dripped down his body. But he had something in his hand that made his heart stop.

A knife was in his grip, and he was ready to use it.

"And what do you think your doing in here?" he slowly pointed the shiny metallic knife at me.

"Uhm.. Uh," I let out a mixture of noises, none of them were actual words.

I started to feel sick to my stomach and my heart pumped violently. My body was shaking as if there was an earthquake, and progressively got worse once he started slowly stepping toward me.

When he made it to me, he lifted up his knife to my face caressing my jaw with the blade.

"Such a shame if I ruined a face like this," he whispered in my ear as his knife still touched my face.

"Who did you call?" I stayed silent in fear.

"WHO THE FUCK DID YOU CALL?" he screamed in my face, his spit flying all over me. His face was red, boiling with anger. I could feel his breath on my face making me shiver.

I hot tear streamed down my face. Surely he wouldn't hurt me, right?

"Who am I kidding, you probably called the police." — "You know, this generation can't handle a little bit of pain."

"I'm setting you out for the big world" he told me as he stared into my eyes.

That's when I heard sirens in the distance, we both turned our heads toward the window where flashing blue and red lights stood out. The pressure on my chest started to fade away to the sight.

That's when he turned to me and stared at, his eyes were filled with no remorse, no pity and no guilt. Pure revenge.

"Welcome to my nightmare, I think your going to like it" a grin plastered on his face while my face was laced in confusion once the words came out of his mouth.

Suddenly I felt the cold metal blade run across my neck, slicing it with one slick drag.

My body started to to give up, falling to the floor slowly with a thud. I felt pain wash all over my body as I sat my self up, trying to make sure I didn't choke on my own blood.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

This is the end? Isn't it. I'm going to die. I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die..!

My mind raced through all the possible scenarios for me. All of them ending in death.

Life started to drain from me as I stared up at him, at Lenord. His eyes showed no guilt or mercy as he looked down at me. His lips turned upwards into a smile and bent down to look at me.

When the doors got busted open, my vision started to blur. Slowly turning black.

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