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The house up top ⤴️

This is the first chapter, I hope you like it. I'm trying my best 😭


As I peeked through the window, my friend Kayden whispered in my ear, "I wonder who she is." Just then, the unmistakable sound of a car door slamming shut echoed through the house, and we both turned our attention to the front yard.

A woman, who appeared to be in her late 20s, stepped out of the car. She was dressed very formally, wearing a black pencil skirt, a crisp white blouse, and a black dress coat. Her black heels were causing her some difficulty as she walked on the gravel, struggling to maintain her balance. Her ginger hair was slicked back into a tight bun, which looked almost painful, and she wore black-framed glasses.

Despite her formal attire, her face betrayed a hint of nervousness as she approached the front door.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the door that came from down stairs, and it startled us. We could hear the patters of feet moving around, and then the sound of the door opening, which caused an instant chatter from down stairs.

As young as our ears were, the talking was muffled, and we couldn't make out what was being said. However, after a moment, the sound of the feet started coming up the stairs, and the talking had become more understandable. We strained our ears to listen carefully, wondering who could be visiting us at such an unexpected hour.

Kayden and I were standing near the door when we noticed that someone was coming towards it. In a panic, I whispered to Kayden, "Act like you're doing something!" We started scrambling around the room, trying to find anything that would make us look like we weren't eavesdropping.

Meanwhile, Chris was sitting on the couch, side-eyeing us while reading his book. He always acts like he's the smartest person in the room, but we all remember that one time when he was swinging and tried to jump off. It would have been fine if he didn't face plant into the wooden perimeter around the sandbox that the swing was on. The incident left the playground looking like a murder scene. That's why you get stuck in the baby swing instead like I did.

Mrs. Lilith, our strict and no-nonsense homeowner, entered the room followed by another woman. "Hello boys," she announced, introducing the formal woman as May, who would be examining the place.

"Please be kind," Mrs. Lilith said in her usual grumpy tone.

My roommate Kayden and I greeted May with a wave, while our other roommate, Chris, saluted her. Mrs. Lilith seemed unimpressed by the gesture and muttered something under her breath. May turned to look at us, giving a friendly wave before closing the door behind her.

After they had left, there was an uncomfortable silence in the room. But it didn't take long for Kayden to break it. "She's hot," he remarked, referring to May who they had just met.

Chris looked at us with a disapproving glare, clearly not impressed with Kayden's comment. In response, Kayden rolled his eyes and left the room, likely to go spy on May.

As for me, I didn't really see what the big deal was. I had never been one to obsess over physical appearance, and I certainly didn't find May particularly attractive. In fact, I couldn't recall ever feeling that way about any woman I had ever met.

As my male peers continued to talk about their "types" and their "hot" celebrity crushes, I felt like the odd man out. It was hard to relate to their interests, and I found myself wanting to change the subject to something more substantive.

When I engage in conversations with my peers, I have come to realize that it is more effortless for me to talk with my female friends than it is with my male friends. This has led me to form more friendships with girls than boys, although I still maintain good friendships with most of the boys in the home.

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