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Over the past few days, things have been really tough. The atmosphere seems to have taken a sharp turn for the worse, and it feels like there's a heavy cloud weighing down on everyone.

Even the hallways, usually bustling with the sound of laughter and chatter from my friends, have become eerily silent. It's as though we're all just going through the motions, trying to get through each day as best we can.

The younger kids, who are usually so full of energy and excitement, seem to be trying their best to keep themselves occupied by colouring and drawing, even amidst the gloom.

Older kids keeping there heads poked out the windows, smoking the cigarettes that had been stolen by Lilith.

She probably shouldn't been even smoking them anyways, but I didn't care anymore.

She was dead to me, as well as May, and soon everyone I loved in this house.

Of course, this house had has its difficulties. But at the end of the day it was the people inside these walls that kept me alive. You could tear down these walls, and destroy this place. But as long as my family was there. Everything was okay.

Over the past few days, I had been spending a lot of time with my friends, particularly Lizzy and Kayden. We had been hanging out, chatting and having fun.

Chris, who I didn't usually hang out with, had even helped me out with a math problem that I was stuck on.

Even though Chris and I weren't particularly close, I could tell that he was feeling sentimental about our time together coming to an end. I, too, was going to miss him and all of our shared memories.

Lisa approached me, accompanied by a group of young children.

As she got closer, I noticed that she was holding out a beautiful bracelet that had my name inscribed on it. With a beaming smile on her face, she handed me the bracelet and said, "We made one for everyone!" Her eyes twinkled with excitement as she pulled me in for a warm hug.

Following her lead, the other kids surrounded me and repeated her gesture, each one giving me a warm embrace. It was a touching moment, one that I wish would last forever.

"Thank you!" I said with a smile on my face. I immediately put the gift on my wrist, admiring how it looked on me.

I then began to pack up all my belongings. Since I didn't have much to begin with, the packing process was relatively quick. However, Lizzy made sure that I didn't forget to pack all the medications that I needed. She helped me gather them all and made sure that I had everything I needed before I left.

One very obvious thing about Lilith is that she doesn't care about us. She did let me get my medication, and some other kids. Which was a relief because I knew that without them, I could easily go into a manic state.

I guess she didn't want an incident to happen.

"Well, that's about it for me, what about you?" Kayden asked, as I zipped up my worn up back pack.

"Yeah I think I packed everything." I said flopping down on my bed.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." I have out a sigh.

Chris, who was still packing his books, added, "I just want everything to stay the same." His tone of voice was heavy with emotion as he readjusted his glasses on his face.

Feeling a tinge of sadness, I tucked tucked my self in and closed my eyes. "I'm going to miss you guys," I said softly, my voice betraying the emotion I was feeling.

Chris and Kayden responded with a warm "goodnight," and the room fell silent as the lights were turned off.

The only source of light now was the gentle glow of the moon outside, casting shadows on the walls and floor.

As the night deepened, my breathing became slow and steady, and the others settled into their own beds, lost in their own thoughts and dreams.

Another short chapter, SORRY! 😭😭

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