Chapter 19: New business

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The first rays of sunlight peeking through the curtains of her room as Jiang Yan woke up early. She sat up on her bed and rubbed her eyes, feeling the grogginess of sleep still clinging to her. As she stretched her arms and yawned, she thought about the day ahead and the plan she had made the night before.

Jiang Yan got out of bed and walked over to the window, opening the curtains to let in more light. She took a deep breath of the fresh morning air and felt a renewed sense of determination. She quickly got dressed and headed to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

Chen Ran had already laid out a plate of steaming hot congee for her, along with some side dishes. Jiang Yan sat down at the table and began eating, her mind already racing with the tasks she needed to accomplish that day.

After finishing her meal, Jiang Yan quickly made her way to the front door, slipping on her shoes and grabbing her bag. As she stepped outside, she saw that the sun was now fully up and shining brightly in the clear blue sky.

As she walked out of the the door, the chauffeur asked her where she wanted to go.

Jiang Yan hesitated for a moment, then shook her head. "I'll take a cab instead," she said, already heading towards the gate.

The chauffeur looked surprised but didn't say anything as Jiang Yan left. Once she was gone, Madam Tian came downstairs, looking agitated.

"Good morning, Madam Tian," Aunt Chen greeted her with a bow.

"Where is Jiang Yan?" Madam Tian demanded; her voice sharp with irritation.

"She left early this morning, Madam," Aunt Chen replied, careful to keep her tone respectful.

Madam Tian scowled. "And she didn't even bother to tell me where she was going? That girl has no respect for her elders."

Aunt Chen stayed quiet, knowing better than to say anything to Madam Tian when she was in such a mood. Instead, she busied herself with some household chores while Madam Tian continued to grumble and complain about Jiang Yan's behaviour.

Jiang Yan made her way to a bustling alley, filled with a market that sold products at wholesale prices. The items were of exceptional quality, ranging from stones and jewellery to apparel. Businessmen and affluent individuals populated the area, adding to the buzz of the atmosphere.

As Jiang Yan walked through the alley, she stopped at a fabric store, its vibrant colours and textures catching her eye. After browsing the store, Jiang Yan selected a variety of fabrics, carefully examining each one before making her purchase.

Earlier, Hua Mei had called Jiang Yan asking her about the materials she would need for her designs, and Jiang Yan had promised to bring them herself. Jiang Yan was confident in her own taste and judgment when it came to selecting fabrics, knowing exactly which ones would be perfect for her creations.

She spent hours browsing through the bolts of fabric, running her fingers over the soft silks and delicate lace. With her keen eye for design, Jiang Yan selected only the finest fabrics that would bring her creations to life.

Once she had made her selections, Jiang Yan arranged for the fabric to be delivered to Hua Mei's studio. The store owner was pleased with the large order and promised to send the materials as soon as possible.

Jiang Yan wandered through the bustling market, admiring the high-quality goods being sold. As she strolled, she noticed a commotion in the distance and made her way over to see what was happening.

A man, presumably the owner of a jewelry store, was shouting at one of his workers. "How dare you interfere with my sales, Wu Changwei? Who are you to question the quality of my jewelry?"

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