Chapter 8: Zhou Xuanzhi

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The restaurant was a grand sight to behold, with its spacious halls and towering pillars that seemed to reach up to the sky. The scent of savoury dishes wafted through the air, tempting customers with their rich aromas. The soft glow of the chandeliers illuminated the space, casting a warm, welcoming light on the guests.

Amidst the bustling activity stood, a young man with an air of mystery about him. His striking features were the first thing anyone would notice about him. His deep-set eyes were the colour of dark chocolate, and they held a keen intelligence that seemed to see through people. His nose was straight and sharp, lending an aristocratic air to his face. But it was his full lips that drew the most attention. With a small, round mole just below the corner of his mouth, gave him an alluring look that was difficult to overlook. This young man was Zhou Xuanzhi.

Despite his captivating looks, Zhou Xuanzhi was a man of few words. He moved through the restaurant with a quiet grace, his movements smooth and fluid. He was dressed in a sleek black uniform that hugged his frame perfectly, highlighting his lean physique. His hair was a wild mess of jet-black locks, that ended just above his eyes and gave him a carefree look.

As he made his way through the dining hall, he caught the eye of many patrons. Some of the women giggled and whispered amongst themselves, admiring his beauty. But Zhou Xuanzhi paid them no attention. He was focused on his work and the task at hand.

He moved with purpose towards a private VIP room, where the manager of the restaurant, Shen Yaohua was waiting for him. The manager was a plump, middle-aged man with a greasy comb-over and a fake smile. He beckoned Zhou Xuanzhi forward, his pudgy hand gesturing towards the closed door.

"Zhou Xuanzhi, my boy, I need you to serve some very important customers tonight," he said, his tone oily and ingratiating.

Zhou Xuanzhi raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. "Who are they?" he asked, his voice calm and measured.

The manager leaned in conspiratorially, a greedy glint in his eyes. "They're some very wealthy ladies, my boy. And they have you, my boy. You'll be serving them in the VIP room."

Zhou Xuanzhi's colleagues, who had been watching from afar, snickered and jeered at him. "Looks like Zhou Xuanzhi's hit the jackpot," one of them said, his tone dripping with envy.

Zhou Xuanzhi paid little attention to the ladies' advances, knowing all too well the dangers that came with getting too close to the wealthy and powerful. He had seen what they were capable of and wasn't about to risk his reputation and integrity for a few extra coins.

The manager noticed Zhou Xuanzhi's hesitation and approached him with a sly smile. "I understand your concerns, Zhou Xuanzhi," he said in a low voice. "But let me sweeten the pot. If you can serve these ladies well, I'll add a bonus to your pay for the night."

Zhou Xuanzhi looked at the manager warily, unsure if the bonus was worth the risk. But he was in need of this extra money. He reluctantly agreed to serve in the private room, hoping he wouldn't regret his decision.

With a nod, he followed the manager to the VIP room, his steps steady and sure. He pushed open the door and stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room for the wealthy ladies. And then he saw them. A group of four women, all dressed in designer clothes and expensive jewellery. They were laughing and chatting amongst themselves, their voices tinkling like bells.

"Good evening, ladies," Zhou Xuanzhi said, his tone polite and formal.

The women turned towards him, their eyes roving over his handsome face. One of them, a tall, elegant woman with a mane of honey-coloured hair, spoke up.

"Ah, you must be Zhou Xuanzhi. Manager Shen spoke highly of you," she said, her voice smooth as silk.

Zhou Xuanzhi nodded politely. "Yes, that's me. How may I assist you, miss?" he asked, his tone formal.

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