Chapter 2: The Fight

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Jiang Yan scanned the area as she climbed down the cliff, trying to spot any sign of her grandmother. Suddenly, she heard a loud scream coming from the side of the cliff.

"Help!" cried a small voice.

Jiang Yan quickly made her way towards the sound and saw a little boy hanging onto a small tree branch, his feet dangling off the edge of the cliff.

"Don't worry, I'm coming," Jiang Yan reassured him as she slowly approached.

She reached out and grabbed the boy's arm, pulling him to safety.

"Thank you, thank you so much," the little boy gasped, tears streaming down his face.

Jiang Yan smiled at him, relieved that he was okay.

"Are you hurt?" she asked, checking him over.

The little boy shook his head, still trembling with fear.

Jiang Yan noticed him frantically pointing towards the bottom of the cliff.

"What is it?" she asked.

"A grandmother, she fell down there," the little boy cried.

Jiang Yan's heart sank as she followed the boy's gaze and saw her unconscious grandmother lying on the rocks below.

"Stay here," she told the little boy firmly. "I need to go down and check on her."

The little boy was terrified but he nodded as Jiang Yan made her way down the cliff.

Ignoring the pain in her own body, she quickly descended down. When she reached her grandmother, she saw that grandmother lying on the rocks, barely conscious. She checked her pulse and was relieved to find her breathing. Her body was battered and bruised, but she was still alive.

Jiang Yan scooped her up in her back and began to climb back up the cliff, her muscles burning with exertion. She had to get her grandmother to safety.

Jiang Yan's muscles ached as she carried her grandmother up the mountain, and her heart felt heavy with worry. When they finally reached the top, she laid her grandmother on the ground and gently shook her, but there was no response.

"Grandma, please wake up," Jiang Yan said, her voice trembling with fear.

The little boy watched on, tears streaming down his face. "Is she going to be okay?" he asked.

"I don't know," Jiang Yan replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "But we have to leave this place now. It's not safe here."

The little boy nodded, prompting Jiang Yan to take a closer look. She observed that he appeared to be barely four years old with distinct, adorable features that seemed oddly familiar to her. However, she couldn't quite pinpoint where she had seen him before. Nevertheless, reaching the village was her top priority now.

Jiang Yan gently asked him, "Can you walk?"

The little boy nodded. Jiang Yan scooped her grandmother behind her back and held the little boy's hand tightly as they began their descent down the mountain.

Every step was painful, and Jiang Yan winced with each movement. "We have to keep going," she said to herself, gritting her teeth through the pain. "We have to get to the village."

The little boy stumbled a few times on the rocky terrain, but Jiang Yan was there to catch him each time. "Hold on tight," she told him. "We're almost there."

As they made their way down the mountain, Jiang Yan couldn't help but worry about her grandmother's condition. She kept checking her pulse, hoping for some sign of improvement, but there was none.

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