Clint and Natasha are laughing at your reaction, which the other don't understand.

- Sam: Is there something between them both ??

- R: You're really that blind Sam ? *laughing at him

- Sam: Don't you dare start Rhodey !

- C: Don't worry Sam; you'll find someone one day *gets up and pats his shoulder

- Sam: Haha yeah nevermind *he gets up and leave

You're on your way to Wanda's room. Once you're at the door, you freeze, not knowing what to do or say. You breath and knock at her door.

- Y/N: Wanda..? Can I come in..?

No answer. You try again.

- Y/N: Please.. let me in.. *you put your head on the door

Still no answer. You decide to open the door. You see the room empty. You search for her but you can't find her. Then you may have an idea of where she can be. You go out and go fer the elevator to go on the roof. Once you're there, you open the door and see her sited on a pillow, a blanket around her. You breath and approach her slowly.

- Y/N: Wands..? Can I come with you ..?

You see that she wipes some tears. You decide to sit next to her.

- Y/N: Please talk to me..

Wanda breathes, trying to calm her nerves.

- W: Don't think you're on your own from now.. You have people that care about you.. I care so much about you.. *she faces you

I don't know why it happened that fast but it did so I'm not losing you..!

She goes back on watching the horizon. You can see that she's holding back her tears. You're looking at her, not knowing how to act.

- Y/N: Wands I'm really sorry.. I'm not used to all this.. and I didn't want you or anyone to get hurt.. *you look at her

I know that I should have not deal with him on my own, trust me I know that.. ! I just couldn't help myself to close this god damn door..! I wanted to make sure that you and Nat were safe.. cause I would've not forgive myself if something had happen.. I just found my sister back I and also found you.. *you move to be in front of her

Look at me please.. *you take her hands

She raises her head to look at you, tears about to fall.

- Y/N: I felt you, back in Sokovia from the first day you had your powers.. Every fucking minute I wanted to come to you and just relief you from that pain..I felt when you were happy, angry, sad.. everytime ! And it killed me to not even know your name.. So I got myself busy as much as I could, going on missions just to forget that you were there.. *tears falling down your face

But when I got caught by Robin Hood and Nat, when I got out that jet and that I saw you, you know what I felt ?

She just looks at you, answering no with her head.

- Y/N: I felt you.. everything that I already felt *you smile at her with teary eyes

And I was so glad to finally see this beautiful face of yours, those mesmerizing green eyes *you both smile to one another

Everything made sense when...

She cuts you by kissing you. You kiss her back, not wanting this moment to end. This kiss is so emotional, full of meaning that you just both stay there, enjoying every second of it, breathing only when air is needed. After a few minutes, you both break it. You're looking at her, not saying anything, waiting for her to maybe say something.

- W: Do not dare do something stupid like that again.. *she cups your face

I can't loose you.. I let you come in my life and I'll make sure you'll stay, understand ..?

- Y/N: Understood ma'am *you smile at her

You know, I really like bossy Wanda *cheeky smile

- W: Hum.. are you really sure about that ? *tilts her head

- Y/N: Hum not that head tilt though.. kind of scary

- W: That's what I thought *proud smile

- Y/N: Why don't we head inside ?

- W: We should, but only if you carry me *cheeky smile

- Y/N: Come on then *you tap your back

Once she's settled, you make your way to the elevator.

- Y/N: Yours or mine ? *you slightly turn your head to her

- W: Yours.. *she says in your shoulder

Once you're in your room, Wanda gets off of you and closes your door. You go to your bathroom and get change in something more comfortable. When you come back you can't help yourself and smile when you see Wanda already settled on your bed, choosing a movie to watch.

- Y/N: Is the bed comfortable ? *smiling at her

- W: Hum hum.. missing something though *smiles without looking at you

You climb on slightly behind her.

- Y/N: Movie it is then ? *you put your head on her shoulder

- W: Except if you have something else in mind *still looking at the TV

- Y/N: I may have something...

You start kissing her neck gently, grabbing her by her waist. Her breath is getting heavier.

- W: That's not fair.. *she's closing her eyes

- Y/N: Should I stop ?

- W: I didn't say that, did I ?

You slightly laugh in her neck before going on what you were doing. Your hands are now gently traveling under her shirt, caressing every part of her upper body. You can feel that she can't stay steady so you grab her waist and turn her around so she's now sitting on your lap, facing you. She looks and smiles at you, her hands around your neck playing with your hair.

- W: You're making me crazy Y/N Romanoff

- Y/N: And I really like you Wanda Maximoff

She just smiles at what you just said, scrunching her nose. She comes closer to you.

- W: I really like you too *whispers to you 

Time jump warning from now ! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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