Part 13 (2)

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Wanda is looking at you, trying to reassure you as much as she can. You can feel her gaze on you. But the pain comes back suddenly so you put you head in your hands again. She takes one of your hands to make you look at her.

- W: Hey, look at me.. Can I try something ?

You don't say anything, just agreeing with your head. She puts one of her hands on your forehead. Your eyes meet while she enters your mind. You can see her smile which you don't really understand.

- Y/N: What did you see ..?

- W: Actually nothing.. but your brain is working, and your memories are coming back, which is a good news ! *smiles at you

- Y/N: Yeah I guess.. *you look away again, tears in your eyes

It's been 10 years that she's looking for me.. And I can't even remember anything about her.. I've always felt that emptiness in me, always... but I've been able to know why..

You wipe away a tear that's rolling down your face, without looking at Wanda. She stands up so you raise your head.

- W: Try to take some rest okay ..? And if you need to talk I'm here, the door next to yours *smiles

We'll work on your memories together and I assure you that you'll remember her very soon.

She's about to leave but you stop her.

- Y/N: Wait.. Can you stay here tonight ..? I'll sleep on the floor or on the chair if you want but.. I don't feel to be alone...

- W: Don't be silly, we can share the bed *laughs while she comes back to the bed

- Y/N: I won't eat you or take all the bed, I promise *you smirk

You both lay down. You look at eachother, before turning the light off.

- Y/N: Thank you... You play your part very well

- W: *smiles Have a good night

- Y/N: You too *you smile

You turn the light off. You're side to side and that prevents you to sleep. Yon can feel her, hear her breath and that's freaks you out. You really want to touch her, kiss her but you can't. You finally succeed to sleep but, in the middle of the night you're woken up by a terrible dream. You raise up so violently that you wake Wanda. You're sweating, having trouble breathing, starting to have a panic attack.

- W: Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, it's okay

She cups your face with her hands, forcing you to look at her.

- W: Look at me

- Y/N: I...I...I think I... I saw the day... Hydra took me...

- W: Breath in, breath out...

You can't focus on your breathing, all you're thinking about is that "dream".

- Y/N: I... I saw her Wanda.. I saw the guilt she felt... I..I saw and felt everything...

You burst in tears, not able to control yourself anymore. Wanda takes you in her arms, trying to comfort you as much as she can. You stay there around 5 minutes. You're finally calm so you go to the bathroom to clean your face. You come back, lay down again.

- W: Do you feel better ...?

- Y/N: I guess...

Your eyes meet. You think for a second and you lean and kiss her. You quickly stop it, apologizing.

- Y/N: I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to.. Well I meant to but..

You watch her stand up.

- W: Hum... We should not do that... I should go back to my room..

You see her leave and immediately feel bad. You're so mad at yourself that you won't be able to sleep for the rest of the night.

*You couldn't help yourself to kiss her but you don't understand her reaction...

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