Part 22 (1)

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You're hiding from the guards while Clint checks the roof.

- Y/N: What does it looks like up there Robin Hood ?

- C: One of them is talking through his walkie-talkie so the rota should be done soon

- S: Warn us when it's the case.

You look at the door and everything around.

- Y/N: Hey Oldman, once the rota is done, you take the one on the left and I take the one on the right

- S: Don't give me orders Kid, I know what I have to do *he doesn't even looks at you

- Y/N: I don't give you orders Oldman, I just share the fun with you *you look back at the door

Clint suddenly stops both of you.

- C: It's time to kick some asses guys *he turns back to you

You and Steve slowly approach the door and jump at the agents. You knock them out, take their walkie-talkies, their weapons and you enter the building. Once your inside, you warn the other team.

- C: We're inside guys. Time for you to shine *through the coms

You look around you. Being "trapped" in that place makes you feel uncomfortable and Clint notices it. Steve take the map out to see how you should proceed.

- C: Hey Kid, you're okay ?

You look at him, trying to hide your feelings.

- Y/N: Yeah.. Yeah.. It's just weird to be here again but it's for a good cause so..

- C: Will he cooperate with us by the way ?

- Y/N: Mmmh.. Not sure about that but I can still try something before using strength against him..

- S: You're ready ?

You both join Steve. He has the map and shows you the areas you'll explore.

- S: So, we split. Y/N, you take the right wing, where Bucky's cell is. You check everywhere. Clint, you take the left one. I'll go upstairs. We come back here in an hour. If you have any problem, you ask for help. Good luck.

- Y/N: Yeah.. Good luck..

You all split. Steve goes upstairs while Clint and you explore the ground floor. You check every room you see but you already know where he is. You can feel him. You take a deep breath and go to the laboratory. Something that you find weird is that you didn't crossed path with an agent yet. You still stay on guard, prepared to any situation when you hear voices coming from the laboratory. You slowly approach the entrance, hiding behind a wall. You can't understand what they're saying so you wait until you hear people leaving the lab.

You enter the lab and see Bucky attached to a chair. You know what they did or what they're about to do.

- Y/N: James..?

He looks at you.

- Y/N: Do you know who I am ..?

- B: Y/N... The.. White.. Wolf...

You look at him, worried about what he may do.

- Y/N: Just Y/N please.. I'm not that "White Wolf" anymore..

- B: You sure about that ? *Sits tight on his chair

While he's moving, you notice that he is untied. As you notice it, he jumps at you. You just have time to dodge his blow but he catches you and throws you across the room. You end up in the wall and fall on the ground. You look at him while you're trying to get back on your feet.

- Y/N: C'mon James... don't make me hurt you please...

- B: Get up and try then, you know, like old times *he stares at you waiting for you to fight back

*I'm back bitches ! Sorry i took so long, couldn't find the time but now i'm putting all my heart in finishing that story ! I hope you'll still have pleasure in reading the next parts ! 

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