Part 5

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It's the next day, you wake up in your cell. You look around and see someone outside the cell. You look at the men who stands and just looks at you without any expressions. You decide to break the silence:

- Y/N: You know it's not nice to stare at someone like that

- S: I'm just making sure you're not going anywhere

- Y/N: That's nice but you already know I can't leave right ? Wait, why would I leave ?

You see Tony appearing behind Steve:

- T: Steve be nice to our guest !

- S: I won't be nice to someone I can't trust

- Y/N: You're that soldier from WW2 right ? Wow, you don't look like an old grandpa ! I'm impressed !

- T: She reminds me of someone, does she Steve ? *He smirks

Steve looks at him and leave.

- Y/N: I think I've hurt him

- T: Hum don't worry, he's a bit touchy but you'll get use to it ! Anyway, I will need you to trust me.

- Y/N: And why would I do that ?

- T: To make it short, we'll need to enter your head and find a memory

-Y/N: Hum.. still doesn't help me to trust you ! It would've been easier if you didn't lock me in that cell actually...

Tony smiles:

- T: Kid you would've done the same and you know it.

- Y/N: Who will be entering my mind ?

Tony makes a sign at the camera to let know that Wanda can come. She arrives besides Tony. You look at her, trying to read her mind but you fail. You smirk at her:

- T: Kid, this is Wanda Maximoff, also known as "Witchy". She will be the one who will enter your head.

- Y/N: Can you give us a minute please, Tin Can ?

A hint of a smile appears on Wanda's face, you both look at each other before Tony answers:

- T: I won't do that sorry Kid

- W: Tony it's okay you can leave us

- T: Okay.. Kid if you think of doing something stupid, just know that we'll watch you

- Y/N: I'm not that kind of stupid Tin Can, I just want to talk with my new friend !

Tony looks at you before leaving. You can notice that she seems uncomfortable:

- Y/N: Are you afraid of me ?

- W: Why would I ?

- Y/N: Cause you don't know me, and because you know  that we have similar powers.

- W: You tried reading my mind but you didn't make it right ?

- Y/N: I admit I failed on that but I won't fail another time *You smirk

So, why do you want to go inside my head Maximoff ?

She smirks at the way you called her.

- W: Because someone asked me to

- Y/N: And who is that someone ? Tin Can ? Robin Hood up there ?

- W: If you let me try, you'll see what I'm looking for

- Y/N: And what if I can't trust you ?

- W: Subject H-05 right ?

You look at her, not knowing what to say..

- Y/N: do you know that... ?

- W: I'm subject H-07, and my brother was H-08

- Y/N: Was...? What happened to him ?

- W: You'll know if you let me in. I find what I'm looking for and I let you go inside my head

You both stare at each other. You don't know why but you want to trust her. But you're also afraid of what can happen if she goes inside your head.

- Y/N: How do you want to do that ?

- W: The safest way is to give you anesthesia

- Y/N: And if I want to be awake ?

- W: I guess you can choose, but you should talk about this with Bruce and Tony

You turn and face the camera. Wanda looks at you, doubtful.

- Y/N: Hey, Tin Can, you hear me ? *waving to the camera

Wanda laughs a bit seeing this. Upstairs, Tony and the other look at each other. Then, he decides to reply.

- T: Can you stop call me Tin Can please !

- Y/N: Ah, I know you love it ! Nevermind, I'll let Maximoff get inside my head but I want to be alone with her and totally awake !

- T: Sorry but alone with her won't be possible Kid

Natasha looks at Tony and asks him to cut the microphone.

- N: Tony, I think we can trust her. Have you see how she talks to her ?

- T: I won't take any risks

- N: Tony, trust Wanda then ! We have to do this... please..

Tony looks at Natasha before turning the microphone on again.

- T: Kid ? Hum... We'll let you and Wanda alone for this but we'll still watch you through the cameras !

You smile looking at her.

- Y/N: Maximoff you're ready ?

- W: Wait you want to do this now ??

- Y/N: I know you're ready but behind that glass.. it's gonna be complicated..

She looks at the camera then looks back at you.

- W: Give me 20 minutes

- Y/N: Take all the time you need, I can't go anyway

She goes upstairs to join the others.

* Trust me, it's gonna get more and more interesting ;)  

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