Part 22 (2)

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While Team A explores the building, Team B is waiting in position outside. Natasha, Tony and Wanda are respectively watching the mains exits, waiting for any sign from Y/N or the others. Bruce is in the Quinjet, preparing everything in case of emergency. Natasha is looking at her watch.

- N: Okay, it's been 30 minutes that they entered the building. Weird thing is that we didn't see any guards since the rota.. *worried look

- T: Yep, that's definitely weird

- W: Don't you think we should sneak in too ?

- B: It's not part of the plan guys. We should trust them, especially Y/N *Says it through the coms

- N: Of course I trust her, I trust all of them Bruce. It's just that it may have plenty of guards in there, so they could clearly be outnumbered...

- T: Look, we wait 20 more minutes and if we still don't see any guards, we go in.

Jarvis ?

- J: Yes Sir ?

- T: Can you please send one of the drones to scan the area.

- J: On it Sir.

A tiny drone flies out from the jet and starts scanning the area. Tony can see everything through his helmet. As the drone passes on top of the building, Tony comments everything so the team can be aware of what he sees.

- T: Clear outside. Scan the inside now.

The drone scans now the inside. It stops in front of a wall that let appears in Tony's helmet a large room full of people armed. He's speechless which kinda worry Nat and Wanda.

- W: Tony ? Say something please *Looking at him

- T: Wait please Witchy

- N: We don't have time for this ! It's my sister we're talking about !

- T: Not just your sister but don't worry, I won't tell Steve and Clint *says it sarcastically

Natasha can't stand for this anymore so she stands up and starts to leave.

- T: Wait ! There are too much of them inside ! We can't beat them, even with a witch by our side !

- W: Don't underestimate me Stark, you don't know what I'm capable of *Looks at him with cold eyes

- N: I don't care ! I'm going to take my sister back, either you like it or not *She starts to leave

Wanda follows her immediately. Tony looks at them desperate but ends up following them.

- B: What are you guys doing exactly ?

- T: Trust me you don't want to get on their way Bruce

- W: Stay put Bruce, we may need your help inside

Bruce doesn't have the time to answer that they all enter the main building. They enter a cold building, with not much light, a few windows but not enough to lighten the hallway they're making there way in. Suddenly they hear voices coming from a room. They stop but the voices are getting more and more louder.

- T: Told you it wasn't a good idea

- N: Shut up Tony. Let's hide so I warn the others we're in.

They hide in a tiny room. It's more like a tiny cell . Natasha immediately calls for the other.

- N: Y/N ? Steve ? Clint ?

- S: Nat ? What's happening ?

- N: We got in. Guards are coming toward us.

- C: How many of them ?

- T: All of them

- W: Guys, where is Y/N... ? *Worried voice

- C: We don't have news from her since we split

- N: You what ?!

- T: Hey ! Lower your voice Romanoff !

- S: Clint and I haven't met any guards since we got here and I think it's the same for Y/N

Bruce suddenly speeks.

- B: Guys, something's wrong...

*Don't you think it's too easy ? It may hide something.. or maybe not.. Who knows ? 

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