Part 14

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It's 6:00 am and you haven't been able to sleep since Wanda left. You're so angry at yourself that you go to the training room ; You need to externalize. You see a punching bag so you go straight to it and punch it without any break. Your punches are more and more violent that you hurt your hands but you don't even flinch.

You're so focus on the punching bag that you don't hear Steve coming in the training room. He watches you destroy the bag with so much anger that he doesn't want to stop you. You stop for a second, out of breath, with bloody hands so Steve takes advantage of that to talk to you.

- S: I thought I was the only one who came that early to train

- Y/N: I'm not here to train Oldman..

- S: So why are you here ? *he comes to face you

- Y/N: Just needed some distraction..

- S: Distraction from ?

- Y/N: None of your business.

- S: You know that your hands bleed right ?

- Y/N: Hum.. didn't feel it

- S: Let me see *he takes one of your hand but you step back

- Y/N: I can handle it myself Grandpa !

As you go to take your towel, you have a flashback that makes you stumble. You take lean on the wall, take the towel and clean your hands.

- S: You almost fell Y/N

- Y/N: Just a lack of sleep but I'm okay. I'm gonna go get a coffee and boom, problem solved.

You leave the training room and go to the kitchen. Steve watches you, laughing at your reaction and go for his training, consisting in punching a bag too.

As you enter the kitchen, focus on the coffee you're going to take, you don't see Natasha and Wanda but Natasha notices you and your bloody hands.

- N: Hey Mike Tyson ! Why are you up that early ?

You raise your head and see Natasha sat at the table, and Wanda pouring herself a coffee. You try not to look at her and answer Natasha.

- Y/N: I could ask you the same question.. And why Mike Tyson ?

- N: Your hands.. You should clean them or someone will be mad at you for scattering your blood everywhere *drinks her coffee

- Y/N: That's one of the reason I'm here Nat but I need coffee first.

You enter the kitchen, takes a cup and pour some coffee in it. Wanda is next to you, you didn't even say hello to her.

- W: Hum... What happened to your hands...?

You look at one of your hand nervous, put the coffee pot down, takes your cup and start to leave.

- Y/N: Just punched the training bag to hard.

Wanda and Natasha exchange a look before looking at you again and watching you leave. You go back to your room to drink your coffee, take a shower and everything. Wanda joins Natasha at the table, trying to stay as normal as she can, even if she knows that she's about to face a questioning.

- N: So, what happened ?

- W: What do you mean ?

- N: She didn't even look at you so.. *drinks her coffee

- W: Well nothing really happened *looks away

- N: Wanda, I know you and I know my sister a bit to say that something happened

- W: *sighs She kissed me last night... And I just panicked so I left her...

Natasha smiles at her.

- N: I already knew it but I wanted to hear it from you

- W: I don't to want to get close and lose someone I care about again...

- N: I know you lost your family but you can't push everyone away, especially if you don't want to. And I know that all you want right now is spending time with her *smirks

Wanda blushes and looks down, a slight smile appearing on her face. Tony comes in and interrupts them. Natasha winks at Wanda before switching subject and talking to Tony. Wanda smiles and does the same, as if the discussion never happened. 

* That kiss turned you upside down but will you handle this and these new memories ?

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