Part 29

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 The day has passed. Bruce and Tony went back on trying to decode the chip, in vain. They are planning on take Bucky's one out so it could maybe help them finally find a way to get all the data these may have. Natasha, Clint, Wanda and Rhodey started to dig in old files from the S.H.I.E.L.D, trying to find anything related to Hydra. Sam went on a mission so he left soon. Steve and you spent time with Bucky, trying to help him remember who he really is.

You all had dinner together, having fun, trying to chill cause you all need it. After dinner you decide to go for a walk outside. The more you walk, the more you feel comfortable. You can sense Wanda behind you which makes you smile. Without stopping your walk, you decide to gently mess with her.

- Y/N: Stalking on me Maximoff ?

You can see her smile even if she's behind you.

- W: I can't help it sorry *smiling

You turn around and stop until she comes closer.

- Y/N: I'm getting used to it so you can keep on doing it *smiling

You both stay here, staring at eachother. You decide to break the silence.

- Y/N: So.. Sweatheart huh ?

She blushes at you putting this on the table.

- W: Yeah.. hum.. I kinda said it naturally.. *embarrassed smile

- Y/N: Are you embarrassed sweatheart ?

- W: Do I have a reason to be ?

- Y/N: I liked it so, no you don't *flirting

You look around you for a bit and then go back to her.

- Y/N: Can I show you something ?

- W: Hum.. yeah of course !

- Y/N: You trust me, right ?

- W: Yes I trust you *smiles at you

- Y/N: Then close your eyes *you take her hand

Wanda closes her eyes. You come closer to her, wrapping her with one of your arm, putting your hand on her hips. You can feel that she's tensed. Suddenly you both get high, flying to go on top of the compound. You reached the top so you let go of her.

- Y/N: Open your eyes Wands *you step beside her

She opens her eyes. You can see that she is amazed by the view. She looks at you.

- W: Y/N.. that's beautiful.. *looking around

- Y/N: Would you come and sit with me ? *you hold out your hand

- W: Don't ask twice *smiles and takes your hand

You both sit on some pillows you put here days before.

- W: So, you can fly huh ?

- Y/N: Well, I managed that a few years ago, when I was trying to escape on a mission...

- W: I thought I had to teach you things but it seems that you don't need to *mimics a sad look

- Y/N: You still have things to teach me though.. like cooking your famous Paprikash !

She gently laugh at that.

- W: No no no, sorry but that's a secret sweatheart *nods and smiles

- Y/N: OH... That hurts so badly... *you mimic a heart attack and lay down on the floor

- W: What hurts exactly huh ? *flirty look

- Y/N: Flirty Maximoff mod on ? I could get used to it *you flirt back

You look at her, your eyes going from her eyes to her mouth. All you want right now is to kiss her. But you also don't want to push her so you rather wait. She looks at you the same way. It feels like the time stopped. She breaks the silence.

- W: I really like spending time with you.. *looking away

- Y/N: Feeling the same here.. *looking at her

Without looking at you, she comes closer to you and put her head on your shoulder. You can't help yourself so you gently kiss her forehead. You both stay here, looking at the view for a while. An hour has passed and you start feeling tired so you break the silence.

- Y/N: I'm sorry to break it to you but I'm starting to fall asleep.. *embarrassed laugh

- W: It's getting cold so let's go inside *smiles while she stands up

You both arrive at her room. She leans on her door and faces you.

- W: Thank you... really... We'll do it again right ? *gently looks at you

- Y/N: On your command ma'am *smile

You look at her, not wanting to move. She looks at you, waiting for you to kiss her but you don't realize it.

- W: What are you waiting for Romanoff ? *Bits her lips

- Y/N: Was waiting for this, your permission Maximoff *coming closer to her

- W: You have it you silly *leans on for a kiss

You kiss her. You've wanted to do it so badly that you go on for a passionate kiss, your hands making their ways to every part of her body. She answers by doing the same to you. She gently pulls you into her room and closes her door. You both make you way to her bed. You stop and look at her.

- Y/N: You sure ? *whispering

-W: I'm sure *kisses you right after that

She takes your jacket off, then your shirt. You gently grab her sweater and take it off of her. You lay her down on the bed and go on top of her. You both look at eachother. Wanda can't help herself.

- W: Make me love you *caressing you face

- Y/N: It won't be that hard babe *kiss her neck

- W: *smiles at what you say then whispers

Shut up now

- Y/N: On you commend ma'am *going down on her body

You'll stay the night in her room, having the time of your life. 

*Hate to break it to you but I let your imagination working for this ;) 

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