Part 10

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Wanda joins the others in the main room. Steve, Tony and Rhodey are still respectively training and working. She arrives while they are arguing.

- Sam: We have to tell them Y/N tried to escape !

- N: And how can you be sure she tried ?! Wanda found her alone in a room !

- Sam: Yeah and ? She could have hide there and kill someone !

- B: You should try to speak lower guys...

- C: Did she have a weapon with her ? No ! So stop being such a puppy to Steve and lay low.

- Sam: I'll judge by myself here !

Wanda is looking at them, all to much occupied to yell at each others to notice that she's back.

- W: Sam, she didn't try to stab someone or escape you know ? She just wanted to visit the place she's being locked in

Everyone face her.

- N: Wanda ! How is she ?

- W: She is okay don't worry. She's back in her medical room Sam, away from any weapons *hand gesture

Sam rolls his eyes.

- C: What was she doing in Nat's room ?

- W: I think she was.. looking for answers.. When I found her she had a picture in her hand.. *looking at Natasha

- N: Did she ask you something about this picture ?

- W: She wanted to know who you are.. I just told her your name and that you're a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. She kept the picture with her..

- N: Did she say something else ?

- W: No...

Wanda doesn't want to tell Natasha that you think about leaving. She wants to talk with Tony to find a way to deal with your memory and convince you to stay here.

It's later this day, everyone is in the main room around the table, talking and everything. Wanda goes to Tony and tell him she wants to talk with him in private. They go in his office.

- T: What do you need Witchy ?

- W: We have to do something for Y/N.. to bring her memories back

- T: I already know that actually

- W: Yeah but we have to do it fast...

- T: Well I don't have all my time to spend for her and I already told you that her memory will come back soon

- W: ... Can we at least do something to help her with it ? Talking from her past, showing her pictures ? Letting Natasha talk with her !

- T: I'd rather not letting Natasha talk with her now, in case she's been conditioned to kill her or something

- W: It's not nice Tony... Y/N is maybe going to leave ! And the only one who could something isn't allow to talk with her !

- T: Stop yelling at me ! We can't keep her here if she doesn't want to Wanda !

- W: Don't make me say something I didn't say.. It's safer for her here, and you know it.. And think about Natasha...

Tony looks at her, go get a glass, his bottle of Whisky and sits at his desk. Wanda looks at him.

- T: You know what ? You're in charge of her from now. Do anything you can to help her with her powers. Work on her memories if you want to but helping her control her powers is the most important okay ?

- W: So I can do anything I want ? Even trying to convince her to stay here ?

- T: Work with her for now and we'll see about that later.

Wanda smiles and leaves the office. 

* What do you think of Wanda wanting to help you ?  

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