Chap V - Post Naval Battle

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26 November 1940
26 Gimsamnios 1636

Principality of Qua-Toyne
City of Qua-Toyne

Qua-Toyne Castle

"... and that is the overall report of the battle..." Breweye finished his report.

The war room of Qua-Toyne Castle was filled with relief, sighs, grins, and chuckles. There was Pancarre, who chuckled a bit, the minister of defense, who was rubbing his forehead with a little nod, the minister of intelligence, who was organizing a document, and the prime minister, Kanata, who leaned backwards and sighed off.

"That is good to hear..." Kanata said.

Initially, four ships were supposedly returned with prisoners of war onboard. However, due to the number of prisoners that reached a thousand and more, the entire fleet was forced to return with POWs onboard.

When the fleet was full of warships full of POWs, hundreds of policemen were deployed to secure the harbor and the roads. The POWs were lined up and brought to the old dungeon of Maihark, where the prisoners would be imprisoned. During the "march of the prisoners of war," as the people called it, civilians would mock and spat at the Lourians in many ways, throwing unharmful things like vegetables.

At some point, some masses would charge at the POWs march and beat them up. It only stops when police stop beating the POWs. Many prisoners were forced to continue to walk, even though they were beaten very badly. Some are unable to walk, some have their heads bloodied, and some are limping.

"Thank you, Directive Chief Breweye. You may return to your seat." Kanata said, thanking Breweye. While Breweye proceed to sat on his chair beside Pancarre.

"While we won in the sea, war is still ongoing. Minister of defense, what is the situation of our forces in Ejei?" The Prime Minister said and asked the minister of defense.

"The number of our forces in Ejei has grown from three thousand to six thousand. While citizens may be evacuated, there is no worry about Lourians being able to pass the line we have set." The minister of defense answered.

"That is good. Minister of intelligence, can you give us reports of our espionage attempt on Louria?" The Prime Minister switched to the minister of intelligences, who leaned forward.

"We have multiple reports of our spies in Louria. First report about Lourian industrialization attempt." The minister of intelligences said, many heads perks up.

"Industrialization attempt? Minister of intelligences?"

"Yes. However, there is no need to worry about it. It is a plan, an idea, or an attempt by King Louria XXIV. There is no real evidence of Louria industrializing themselves. According to the report, the Lourian king and his court may be bargaining with the Parpaldian Empire first." The minister of intelligences explained, receiving nods and a very few sighs from the others.

"The second report is about the Lourian foreign relations with Parpaldia." The minister of intelligences pulled out a paper, which contain a report of one spy. "It's been confirmed that Louria has a tie with the Parpaldian Empire. However, the relationships are rather loose."

"Loose? How loose?"

"Very loose. In fact, Parpaldia did not sign any official treaties with Louria. Their relationships are very limited to trades and bargains. However, Parpaldia willingly gave their old weapons like matchlock arquebuses and cannons, old ships like older brigs, brigantines, corvettes, frigates, and shockingly light-dragon carriers. But most of these are purchased by Louria."

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