Chap 15 - Operation Crusade

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February 3, 1941/1624
South Topan Sea, Kingdom of Topa

Over the South Topan Sea, the UN Expeditionary Fleet, better known as the "Crusader Fleet," sailed carrying soldiers to Topa for the war on demons.

After the news about the Demon Lord arrived at the UN Council, the news was quickly delivered to the Pope and other religious leaders of Earthlands. The religious world quickly took the matter seriously, especially those religions that despised the demons. The Pope declared the 10th Crusade to exterminate the evils, while the Muslims called out for "Jihad" to also clean up the evils.

Without any bullshitting around, the countries around the Earthlands fully support the war effort against the demons. A few nations can't participate in the war due to some internal issues.

The UN Expeditionary Fleet consisted of 3 battleships, 3 battlecruisers, 5 carriers, 6 heavy cruisers, 9 light cruisers, 13 destroyers, and over 15 troop transports.

Most troops originated from Europe, the Americas, Northern Africa, and the Middle East. The troops themselves are mostly Christians and Muslims, sent by their own countries in the effort to exterminate the demons once and for all.

Some support was given by Qua-Toyne and Qualia. Although Qualia are a desert country, it doesn't stop the government to send troops over the coldness of the north.

Onboard the flagship, the USS Lexington, there's been briefing with the squads, platoons, and companies leaders.

"Alright people! My name is Lesley McNair, chief of staff for General Headquarters, United States Army and will be your temporally commander-in-charge of the forces. You all can address me as Commander McNair or Major General McNair. Besides me is Lieutenant General Stepan Kalinin."

Kalinin: "Privet, comrades."

McNair: "He will be our advisor about snowy warfare."

Soon enough, McNair took a checklist and began his explanation.

McNair: "Alright! Since our forces are made up of various different platoons and companies from different militaries, you all need to corporate with each other in order to have this operation success. All of you here will be given commands of your own squads, platoons, and companies."

McNair then began to write down the names on the board and show them to the people inside the room.

Operation: Crusade

=Company I: Kimber Holland
-1st Infantry Platoon: Roland Ansos
-2nd Support Platoon: Alford Rains

=Company II: Joseo Standford
-1st Infantry Platoon: Nicholas Michalski
-2nd Mechanized Infantry Platoon: Vladimir Helinski

=Company III: Bakar Ismar
-1st Infantry Platoon: Tariq Saad
-2nd Infantry Platoon: Hassan Hakim

-Scout Company VI: Robert Beckham
-1st Infantry Platoon: Johan Winet
-2nd Mechanized Infantry Platoon: Nikolay Smirnov
-1st Light Tank Platoon: Carl Jameson

=Armored Company V: Klaus Brenham
-1st Tank Platoon: Heinz Huber
-2nd Tank Platoon: Andreas Weber
-3rd Tank Platoon: John Hanford

=Support Company VI: Ine
-1st Infantry Platoon: Ryn Ean
-2nd Support Platoon: Olwyn Krest
-1st Mage Platoon: Cyl Rivwind

=Heavy Company VII: Raeford Ornite
-1st Infantry Platoon: Jasin Hamir
-1st Machinegun Platoon: Laft Maeuti
-2nd Machinegun Platoon: Ivan Petrov
-3rd Machinegun Platoon: Lowsain Amar

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