Chap I - Contact

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In the Far East lies a continent about the size of one Australian continent. The Rondenius continent On this continent, there are three countries:

Principality of Qua-Toyne, an agricultural elven nation endowed and blessed with fertile soil and a nation of extensive farmland

Kingdom of Qualia, a poor country of beastkins covered entirely by desert with no rivers, flows from the mountains, isolated from the outside world by the Great Qualian Mountain Ranges.

Kingdom of Louria, a human-only country, slayer of the demi-humans, the believers of human supremacy, the only goals they have are to unite the Rondenius under their rule and exterminate the demi-humans and the races that are deemed 'inferior'

These three countries have resided on the continent for centuries. Qua-Toyne and Qualia are both nations of demi-humans—the elves, dwarves, and beastkin—and the two countries maintain very hostile relations with Louria and vice versa. While the Lourians swore to conquer Rondenius under their rule and finally exterminate the demi-humans.

These people are unaware of the future that will entirely change the world...

10 August 1940
10 Angantrio 1636

Principality of Qua-Toyne
Northwest region


Above the sky, three wyverns fly over the farmlands of the northwestern region. Riding on the wyverns back were the dragon riders, who were wearing light-plated armor which limited their movements.

"A sunny day, isn't it buddy?" The front rider told his wyvern buddy. Marl Patima is a young man in his early twenties. He devoted himself to his country as a dragon rider at such a young age.

The three wyverns are on patrol, considering how the patrol shifts just increased due to the conflicts with Louria.

In the midst of their peaceful patrol, Marl, as he was in front, sighted something on the horizon. An object resembles a flapping-less bird, and it's getting bigger.

"Hey. Do you two seeing what I'm seeing at?" Marl asked to the two rider through the manacomm, while eyeing the object in front of him.

"[Seeing what?]" One of the rider asked as he stared to the front.

"[Is see it! Is that a bird?]" Another one shouted and asked, confused with the object in front of him.

" not believe it is a bird? It's getting bigger..." Marl responded, which received a growl of his flight mate.

"[Whatever it is, we should investigate it.]" The dragon rider said. Both Marl and the other rider agreed.

The three wyverns began to accelerate their speed to reach the strange yet unknown object before them. However, as three wyverns approaching, the object become bigger and bigger overtime they approaching it.

It was just a matter of time before the three riders realized that the object was approaching them fast instead of them approaching it.

"[Why the hell that object is getting bigger?!]" The first rider exclaimed in confusion.

"Shit! It's heading towards us!!" Marl shouted, quickly grabbed the bridle's rope to the right, and turned the wyvern to the right.

In no time, the object shot past them at an incredible speed, exceeding the speed of a wyvern. The two wyverns that were behind Marl were able to dodge and maneuver in time before the object passed at them.

Allied & Axial (Rewriting)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें