Chap 18 - Last Warning

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February 13, 1941/1624
City of Esthirant, Empire of Parpaldia

With the war declared, the Emperor of Parpaldia tried to stay out of the war matter after his secret agreement with the British diplomats.

Inside a special chamber, the Emperor's Chamber, sat Emperor Ludius III and his fiancé/cousin, Remille on the luxury couches. Enjoying their day in the palace, although Ludius didn't enjoy the day entirely.

"Say, Remille. What do you think the Empire that I've built so far?" Ludius asked as he relishes himself on the comfortable couch.

"Your Majesty, on my opinion, the Empire is mighty and powerful. It stand on top over the Phillades continent and rule over the eastern hemisphere. The Empire has become powerful ever since you and your father reign." Remille let out his opinion to Ludius about the Empire.

"Yes, indeed. Since the reign of my father, he dreamed a powerful Parpaldia who can stand among the superpower, and his dream comes true. We now part of the world superpower and the only powerful nation in the east, standing amongst the superpowers. However, my father also dreaming an peaceful and united Phillades, he wanted to unite the entire continent not by conquest but by diplomacy. That's what he taught me when I was young." Ludius explained as he showed a faint, sad smile, remembering everything the young Emperor's father had told him.

Suddenly, Remille feels trembles over her body. She feels guilty or very lowly as she hears the statement of her own future husband.

"Remille, do you think I'm a good ruler?" The young Emperor asked.

"Of course! Your Majesty, you have ruled the Empire to its golden era and being the strongest in the east! Why would I, and the rest of the Empire, thought you a bad ruler? You were the greatest among the greatest!" Remille proudly stated to impress her Emperor.

"My diplomacy skills are undoubtedly the greatest among the other rulers of Parpaldia and Esthirant, that's why we can become friends with the other superpowers. Through diplomacy I forged we created peace, but peace never lasted too long." Stated Ludius with a displeasing tone at the end.

Again, Remille trembled. A few corn-sized sweats began to pour over her face. She shivered and continued to hear the Emperor's speech.

"Now, tell me Remille. Why I make you to be the head of the Foreign Affairs Auditing Office?" Ludius asked softly towards Remille.

"I... I don't know?" The young woman said as she was a bit confused.

Ludius: "Because I believed that you could help the three Foreign Affairs Department's tasks. You did a good job in there as the head of the Auditing Office." Ludius commend Remille as she felt flattered, embarrassed.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I truly flattered with your appreciation..."

Although Ludius did appreciate Remille, the young Emperor never truly appreciated Remille's work at all. Instead, he was absolutely disappointed with her work and regretted assigning Remille as head of the Foreign Affairs Auditing Office. Ludius also blames himself for his absences within the imperial government.

"By the way, Remille. I heard about you took care this organization called 'the United Nations.' How it is going? How did they declare war on us?" Asked Ludius.

All of a sudden, Remille felt nervous and anxious. Ludius already knew how it happened, but he wanted to see Remille's expression and how she would explain it to him.

"Ah, about them. They are just some barbaric organization that need to be 'educated.' They've mocked and insulted our great empire and merely stated, We are barbarians, but we are superpowers! The superpower of the Third Civilization Area! a civilized nation! We have given their diplomats demands that could save them, but they simply refused and mocked us directly. We have no choice but to show them the execution of their people from the gigantic vessel our fleet captured." Remille explain to him with a hint of anger, she did hate those British after their last meeting two days ago.

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