Chap 17 - From East to West

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February 12, 1941/1624
City of Geneva, Switzerland

<<"Order!!! Order!!!">>

After the shocking news from the diplomatic group in Esthirant, Parpaldia. The United Nations called for an International Assembly to discuss the matter of the execution of more than 200 people onboard the ocean liner SS City of Benares.

The entire UN was outraged and furious; not only had the Parpaldians executed their people, but they were also demanding huge and impossible demands of them. At this point, the International Assembly in Geneva was chaotic.

The speakerman calmed the situation down with hundreds of cameras and microphones all over the chamber. The International Assembly was broadcast throughout the Earthlands and the native countries that allied with the UN.

At the podium, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations, Gladwyn Jebb, stepped in and began his speech.

<<"People of Earthlands and people of this world Yesterday, February 12th, 1941, the passenger liner SS City of Benares was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval forces of the Empire of Parpaldia. The passenger liner City of Benares at the time was on her peaceful voyage to the Kingdom of Awan, with more than four hundred passengers and crews. The naval forces of the Empire of Parpaldia, without any provocation, have attacked and raided the passenger liner City of Benares. The City of Benares itself has evacuated more than one hundred and ten passengers before the passenger liner was ambushed and raided.">>

February 12, 1941/1624
City of Qua-Toyne, Principality of Qua-Toyne

In Qua-Toyne City, the citizens halted their activities as the radio broadcast the speech of the Executive Secretary of the UN.

"[The survivors of the passenger liner City of Benares have been brutally executed by the Parpaldian forces. The execution was displayed to our diplomats in Esthirant, and the Empire of Parpaldia has demanded demands to hand over our sovereignties as independent countries.]"

In Qua-Toyne City National Hospital, Princess Lumines of Altarus sat on her bed as the radio on her side broadcast the Executive Secretary of the UN's speech from Geneva. Her heart was filled with hopefulness.

"[The United Nations and its member cannot let something like this happened!]"

February 12, 1941/1624
City of Amanoki, Shogunate of Fenn

In Amanoki, the people also stopped their activities to hear the radio broadcast from Geneva. The Shogun of Fenn sat silently on his castle with the other daimyos hearing the broadcast.

"[The United Nations recognized this action as an act of war!]"

February 12, 1941/1624
City of Tormis, Kingdom of Topa

While Tormis was rebuilding, the Topans and the UN soldiers in there gathered in one place as the broadcast from Geneva was being broadcast. Both Major General McNair and General Ajiez stood among their men to hear the speech.

"[The act of barbarism and brutality showed by the Empire of Parpaldia are recognized as an act of war!]"

February 12, 1941/1624
City of Le Brias, Parpaldian occupied-Kingdom of Altarus

While the Altarus has been conquered under Parpaldian rule, the people are always loyal to the crown jewel of the Altarus. Thus, the Altaran Resistance roamed the underground.

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