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⚠triggered content⚠

He grabbed the knife in frustration pointing at us whose on the kitchen. I froze in my spot looking at the angry man holding the knife. He approaches me without lowering the weapon, his eyes are red, sweats forming his forehead although his hands are shaking, his face pale so does his lips.

"You're the boss, hm? Tell me where is Hyeyeon!" He grabbed my collar and pushing me back until I hit the utensils rack.

"She's not he-re!" He choke me. Everyone grabbed him and pushing him down on the floor, the knife slipped his hand.

"Aaarrggh, let me go, you're motherfuckers! I need my girlfriend, Hyeyeon! Hyeyeon! Hyeyeon!" He struggle to freed himself but the buff guard just hold him too strong.

"Please.. Please, I need to find her, please." He beg, crying all out, as if the murderous personality just gone away replace by this devastate and weakness.

The other employees were out if the kitchen because I told them too. I kneel down but my heart hammering in my chest with fear.

"Sir, Hyeyeon is no longer work her, she resigned last week." I tell him gently and he look up.

"Please don't hide her, please, I have to find her, I have to find my child too."

As the sudden power he have, he get up make the large body guard stumbles, he grabbed the knife with him. I widened my eyes when he leave the kitchen, roaming around the second floor to the top scaring the other customers. I try to stop him following to the top floor. Lucas was trying to stop me but I was stubborn and want this person to leave my business.

"BACK OFF!" He yelled to please his anger.

"Sir, please, drop the knife, we can talk about it."

"NO! you hide my Hyeyeon, you rotten boss!" He pointed the knifes toward his stomach and threatened to kill himself.

"Look into my eyes and I will make sure you regret hiding my Hyeyeon. My soul will haunt you until you begged on my grave to give my Hyeyeon back!"

Lucas gripped my shoulders and pushed me behind him, the man stabbed himself on his stomach. He groans to feel the knife forcefully go through his flesh, he repeat his actions a few more time until he stumbles, losing his consciousness. Lucas released me and I can see the man's foot going down, killing himself.

I cannot feel my muscles, they are instantly weak, I fall on my knees with my eyes filled with tears. I can hear them screaming down there, that must be because of the body.

"Mrs. Kim." Lucas help me get up but I can't manage to stand on my own feet.

"Call an ambulance." I mumbled.

"They were on the way."

The sirens were sounded loud taking me back to my consciousness. I suddenly get the power to stand up. I gripped onto his arm and look at my loyal guard.

"We have to go."

"But, Mrs. Kim,"

"Take me to the hospital, Lucas, I want to make sure that guy is alive."

He can't deny me and just weakly nod. I walk towards the elevator, my entire body was shaking but I try to be strong. I can't be this weak.


As by the realization, I get up from my long sleep, feeling my stomach rumbling. I'm hungry but there's no will of eating. The room was dark, I realized where I am and I just had that flash back dreaming.

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