Chapter 1

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I sneak up behind him and put a knife against his throat. "Don't try anything." He spins around cutting himself on my blade. He tackles me to the ground. We rolled around on the ground. I feel him reach for one of the knives around my waist. Not happening! I punch him in the face. He grunts and pulls back. We both stand. He has one of my long knives in his hand and his plate in the other.

"Quit fighting and I won't hurt you, Hunter," I try to say in a patient voice. But this man was making it hard. He was supposed to surrender right away, but when have witchhunters ever listened? I inwardly groan.

"Like I would believe a witch!" The man says in disgust. Then he attacks me. I drop my knife and grab his right wrist with my left hand, but he just tossed the knife to the other hand and tried to stab me. I grab his left wrist with my right hand and squeezed it hard enough to draw pain. He gasps and drops the knife. I smile cruelly, our faces mere inches away. He spits at me. With that, I've had enough, my patience with this man is gone. I step in for the kill.

"WAIT!! I'll make a deal with you."

"Oh really?" I say in a sarcastic voice, this was not uncommon for humans to try and make deals with me. "And what might you have in mind?"

"I will stop fighting, as long as you promise to tell a girl that I love her and I'm sorry I can't save her."

Save her?? Who was this man? "You want me to go find this girl and tell her WHAT?? You do know I am a witch and if I step foot into a village I will be caught and hung. Sure why not. I love that idea," I exclaimed sarcastically. I was having a hard time not laughing.

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes as in I want you to tell her, and no as in you won't have to walk into the village or go near one. If you agree, I will tell you how to find her," he states in an unreadable tone.

I did not like this at all. But if I agree I might not even have to find the girl. Besides, I was much too busy trying to rule my own town. "Fine, I agree."

"Thank you. You may tie me up," he says in a deadly serious tone.

What in the name of? Who was this man? Does he think I'm stupid? I'm sure my face was hilarious looking because all of a sudden he starts chuckling.

"I think this is the first time I have ever seen a witch shocked. Did I say something crazy, Witchling?"

"No, I just..." I start in a startled voice. I really need to get a hold of the situation. "No, you are just not like any other man I have met. Usually, they start grooving at my feet begging me not to hurt them."

"Oh really?" he taunts, sitting down and leaning against an oak tree. "Well, I hate to be a disappointment, Witchling, but I do not grovel. Now, are you going to tie me up?"

I walk toward him in an uneasy manner. I try to look relaxed, but I was nothing close to relaxed. This young man had not only proved to be an outstanding fighter, but now he seemed to be beating me at a mind game. But it did not matter, I was a witch and witches do not lose. I look at him and then down at his sword.

"Oh, right I should probably get rid of this," he looks at his sword and stands up. Looking at the sword again, he throws it as hard as he can behind him. "Happy, Witchling?"

I look at him and frown. He looks very unhappy but he starts to find his knives and do the same thing he did with his sword. He is really trying my patience. If he doesn't hurry up I am going to kill him and find someone else. Then I realize that that is his plan. Ha, this human is smart. He eventually looks at me with a smile on his lips. He is really handsome for a human. Eww, gross! Besides, he is engaged, or at least something like that.

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