Chapter 9

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"Agree to disagree." Luz said with a shrug, meaning she thought Amity was wrong but didn't want to argue any further because she knew her mind would never change. Finally, they met each other's eyes and couldn't stand the distance between them, so they closed it with a kiss. When the two of them broke, the waiter was there serving their food.

"Sorry to interrupt but your food is here, hope you enjoy it. Call me over when you guys are ready for your checks." With that she left them alone again.

Amity was blushing like crazy, and Luz was laughing at her face.

"You are super easy to fluster, you know that right?" Luz said between laughs. Amity scowled at her but smiled. She loved Luz's laugh so much; it was her new comfort melody.

"Yeah, I know I am. I got it from my father, okay. You should see him when he is around that head abomination coven person, what's his name?" Amity asked, she forgot but her father is absolutely in love with that man.

"His name is Darius, he's the one who adopted my brother Hunter, he's not really my brother but I sort of claimed him as my brother since the day I met him." Luz explained laughing to herself. She would never forget the day she met him; they bantered and hated each other so much. That was back when he was the Golden Guard, Luz fell asleep with the palisman at the school and Hunter tried to steal it. After that she blasted him into oblivion then stole his stick thing that gave him magic.

"Oh, now that I think about it, I think I know who you're talking about. My dad thinks he is adorable, but where did he get all his scars?" Amity asked, motioning her face and arms. Luz shifted her weight; she didn't like talking about her brother's abuse or mental health. It's not like Amity would tell anyone though, so maybe she could tell her.

"The ones on his inside arms are mostly from himself, the ones outside of his arms and his face is from his uncle, Belos. Yes, before you ask, the emperor Belos. Hunter used to be the Golden Guard." Luz explained, tears in her eyes. Hunter didn't deserve anything that had happened to him, he was just a kid - 10 to be exact, he was 10 years old when Belos created him. Now he is 19 and living with Darius and he has been for 4 years - since he was 15. (he is one year older than Luz)

Amity looked at Luz and gave her a sad smile. Then they began to eat again. After a while they finished eating and Luz called over the waiter to get their check.

"Here let me pay." Amity said, but Luz just snatched the bill from her and paid it herself. She then gave the bill to the waiter and stuck out her tongue at Amity. The waiter walked away laughing. Amity crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out back. They both laughed and left the restaurant. "So, what do you want to do know?" Amity asked.

Luz thought for a moment then pointed to the park. That's how they spent the rest of the day.

"Do you have any other siblings beside Hunter?" Amity asked, trying to start a conversation, but she immediately wished she hadn't. Luz, who was just picking flowers and humming to herself, stopped clean in her tracks. "Sorry you don't have to tell me; I was just trying to start a conversation.

"No, it's okay, I would have told you anyways if you had asked. I had a little sister; her name was Vee. Once again, she isn't my biological sister, she's not even human, she's a basilisk, but not an evil one. She was the sweetest little girl, but she reunited with mama way too soon. She was 15 when she passed, she would have been 17 this year. (She is a year younger than Luz)" Luz explained, not taking her eyes away from her flowers.

"How did she die?" Amity asked barely above a whisper. Luz shuddered.

"She killed herself the week after my mom died. Camila was the only one who was nice to her, she took her in and didn't judge her at all. She provided Vee with magic so she could stay alive, Vee was very little when she came to live with us she was only 6 years old. Her kind should have been extinct, but somehow, she got away." Luz explained, tears in her eyes. She hated Vee for being selfish, but she also didn't blame her. If it hadn't been for Eda and King, Luz would have gone down the same path. She sometimes wished she had.

"I'm so sorry, you have all been through so much." Amity said, she closed the distance between them with a hug. She felt like she knew the human now. Luz had been through way too much, and she was only 18. It's surprising the human survived it all, she had to have been the strongest person Amity had ever met. It's okay though, Amity will help her with anything that she needs, and Amity told her that.

Luz nodded at her, and they continued their walk. They walked around the whole park until they thought it was time to get back to the house. Once they made it to the house it was dark time. The only reason Amity came was so she could get her clothes that she came there with. Her dad called her again and told her that her mother was expecting her to be home before the sun set. Amity was already late, but she still wanted to tell Luz goodbye. She was already in trouble so she might as well make the most of it.

"Alright, come by again anytime. I am normally home because I don't do any after school stuff, and if you ever need to call, you call Eda, and she will tell me when you need me. I don't have magic so I can't use your scrolls." Luz explained, Amity nodded and kissed her goodbye. Then she walked out the door and out of sight. 

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