Chapter 6

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And that is how they spent the rest of their afternoon, watching movies and cuddling. It was still raining outside, and they got another notification that tomorrow they would not have any school. Again. Maybe Amity's wish was coming true. Eda called Luz and explained that they were taking shelter at Raine's house, just like Luz assumed. Luz told her that Amity was staying the night again and Eda told them to behave, causing both girls to blush deeply. When the night came and their high wore off, they started talking about random things.

"Maybe we should work on the presentation again." Amity suggested, Luz nodded so they got to work. Amity really wanted to tell Luz how she felt about the girl, but she didn't want to scare her. They have only known each other closely for two days.

"Hey, are you okay?" Luz asked the girl. Amity pushed her thoughts away.

"Yeah, of course. I was just thinking about what we could do to make the presentation stick out. That's all." Amity said, not as smooth as she wanted to, but Luz didn't push it. They worked in silence before Amity broke it. "Okay, I lied. It's just I -" Amity said but Luz broke her off.

"I know what you want, but I'll give you one when we are finished so we can focus." Luz said she was kind of sad that Amity only wanted weed from her, but that's just the way things are.

"Oh, um, okay." Amity said she had no idea what Luz was talking about, but she went on with it. Maybe she feels the same way about Amity after all and the thing that she was going to give her was a kiss.

Once again, they lapped into silence. After a while they had to stop because it was late, and both girls were getting sloppy with their writing.

"Alright, I'll light you one now. Sorry I just wanted to get a little more done today." Luz explained then left the room. She left the cylinder downstairs. Amity sighed, so she wasn't going to give her a kiss after all. That's okay, maybe one day. Luz came back with the box and rolled up a joint, then she lit it and handed it to Amity. She took it and hit it a few times. Maybe she would be able to tell Luz about her feelings while high, she was more of a talker when high. Amity handed the joint to Luz and Luz hit it a few times then put the bud out in the ashtray.

"I didn't actually want weed, I wanted something else you know." Amity said while giggling. Luz looked at her and smirked.

"Oh yeah and what was that?" She asked the giggling girl while screwing the lid back on the cylinder, and she got her answer. Amity leaned over and kissed the human making her drop the cylinder, luckily it was closed. Amity pulled away looking shocked at herself. Luz had a similar look on her face. "Oh Crikey."

"I can't believe I just did that." Amity said, not remembering that she did it just yesterday.

"I can't believe I just said that! Crikey, where did that even come from?" Luz asked herself, blushing, she just embarrassed herself in front of her crush. The worst kind of embarrassment. Amity looked up at Luz and smiled.

"It's okay, it was funny." She said and kissed Luz on the cheek. Luz blushed even more and hid her face behind her hands.

Luz looked up at Amity. "Amity, will-"

"Will you go out with me?" Amity asked, interrupting the human. Luz uncovered her face and had a defeated smile on her face.

"Aw man, I wanted to say it." The human said, causing Amity to blush even more.

"Okay, okay, you can say it." Amity said, waving her hand up and down. Luz looked up at her and took a deep breath.

"Amity Blight, will you go out with me?" she asked, with a flustered smile.

"Yes!" Amity nearly yelled, Luz has never been so happy, same goes for Amity. They looked out the window and realized the rain was slowing down, Amity would have to go home soon. Amity laid her head on Luz's lap, turning into a tomato as she did so.

"Why is this so scary?" Luz asked Amity while blushing, but she still played with her hair like she would normally do.

"I have no idea. We'll get used to it, I'm sure." Amity was beginning to grow tired; it was like 2 in the morning and Amity would have to leave tomorrow. They sat there for a while and Amity began to nod off, so Luz picked her up and laid her down on the bed. She climbed into the bed, and they snuggled up together. Amity fell asleep right away, but Luz lay awake. She just couldn't believe her luck, the girl she liked went from hating her to liking her too, and it all happened so fast. What if Amity already liked her before, and that was why it changed so fast.

Luz was tired of thinking, so she went to sleep as well. Amity started to warm up a bit, so it didn't feel like she was sleeping next to a dead person anymore. Luz's human body heat was making the girl warm up, even for a human Luz was exceptionally warm. She got it from her father. During the night Eda came home with King because the rain had stopped and she wanted to make sure her kid was okay, she cracked open the door and found the two girls snuggled up.

"Raine, you really know what you're doing." she said to herself then walked out the room and picked up King, bringing him to her nest so he could sleep. They slept soundly until dawn when Amity woke up from a nightmare. It was about her mother as usual, but Luz was there so nothing could hurt her. Luz woke up to the tickling of Amity's long lavender hair. She looked down at the witch and said good morning. Amity smiled up at her.

They both got out of bed and went downstairs; Eda was making Griffin eggs with giraffe meat – it kind of tasted like sausage but it was saltier. The girls sat down and watched Eda, well Amity watched Eda, Luz on the other hand was tickling King – who was in his highchair. Amity loved Luz and King's relationship; she was good with kids.

"There you go kids." Eda said handing them each a plate, King got a plastic plate, so he doesn't break the glass ones. They all ate in silence and once they were done Amity's scroll rings. She stepped out of the room and talked to her father.

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