"How many princesses are coming?" Guy one asked.

My left leg slipped off as I hung their trying to pull myself up. Raising my hands Rosa let go of my one leg barely catching my hands as she helped pull me up.

"Are you insane? You could have fell?" Rosa scolded.

"But I didn't," I replied.

The two men from the castle continued on their way down the main road disappearing.

"What did they say?" Rosa asked.

"Huh?" I didn't hear her.

"What information did they have? I mean why else would you dangle yourself from a tree," Rosa pointed out.

I stared at her silently, this was not good news. King Richard being dead meant Prince John was now the future King. The Kingdom of Nottingham would be destroyed in his rule.

"Well?" Rosa poked.

"Well you see..." I trailed off.


"I knew it the first moment I laid eyes on her," Rosa proclaimed angrily, "I knew she was hiding something, I just didn't know what."

"Rosa, Lady Marion probably meant to tell us. I mean maybe she didn't know how to tell us," I tried reasoning.

"You taking her side?" Rosa demanded.

I put my hands up, "Of course not I mean I never trusted her, but I thought I was just being paranoid."

Rosa shook her head at me as she jumped off Thorn her feet touched Robin's secret camp ground. We had raced all the way through the night, the day, and now it was to beginning to become night again. Rosa was determined to get back to camp to tell everyone (mostly Robin,) the devastating news about King Richard. To be honest Rosa seems to be taking it a lot harder than me, but knowing how long she's been on the run from the werewolves I can see why she's more upset.

"She's a lying, double crosser, goodie to shoes who needs to be taught a lesson," Rosa ranted.

Getting off of my horse I stood in front of Rosa.

"Rosa do not be rash now. If you go in there and hurt Lady Marion you will hurt your relationship with your brother," I warned.

"What relationship? We do not have a relationship. My own flesh and blood did not even have the guts to tell me my own father was dead," Rosa spat.

True but Rosa had hidden some things as well.

"Just like how you didn't have the guts to tell us you are a witch?" I asked.

"That's not the same. I tried to come and tell you. Robin didn't even try," Rosa deflected.

"Rosa please don't do anything stupid," I stated worried she would use her powers.

Rosa ignored me as she marched forward. Following right behind her Peter stepped in front of us from out of nowhere.

"Robin has been looking for you two," Peter said.

I sighed; here we go.

"Where is he?" I asked.

"Over there talking to Ben," Peter said pointing to the right.

Robin was not even paying attention to the fact that we had just walked into camp. From the looks of things Robin and Ben were planning the next camp site location. I sighed it seems I will never be able to settle down somewhere and not have to worry about being found.

"Is Lady Marion here?" Rosa asked Peter.

"She is up in the meeting tent," Peter pointed up the small hill.

With the message being delivered Peter walked away. Rosa moved forward towards the meeting tent when I grabbed her arm pulling her back.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Little John I just want to talk to her for a little bit by myself," Rosa lied.

"You are lying," I said.

Rosa stomped her foot, "Little John please."

I narrowed my eyes at her trying to read her.

"I am going to go grab Robin and bring him back to the tent. Between that short time could you try not to kill Lady Marion?" I asked.

Rosa rolled her eyes, "I promise I am not going to kill her."

Looking at her I could tell Rosa was telling the truth on not wanting to kill Lady Marion. There was definitely something else Rosa would do I just did not know what. Rosa yanked back her hand as she walked away quickly. Turning back to Robin I went over to talk to him. As soon as Ben saw me he excused himself and left. Robin turned to me frowning when he realized it was me.

"Where have you been?" Robin demanded.

"I took Red to see her father's grave," I answered.

Robin grabbed me by my shirt.

"You did what?" Robin growled.

Pushing him off, I straightened my shirt.

"Well someone had to tell her," I replied.

Robin furrowed his brow gritting his teeth, "How did she take it?"

"Splendidly," I said mockingly, "How do you think she took it Robin? She is angry with you for not telling her yourself."

"Like how she told me she was a witch," Robin fought back.

It seems no matter what situation someone is going to throw that back into her face. I was wrong; Rosa telling us about being a witch is different. Robin is being insensitive. Rosa cried for the first time in years when she found out her father was dead. She even told me how she bumped into him a few years back; saying horrible things about her Pa and now she would never be able to take them back. Robin didn't need to know those details about Rosa it probably wouldn't change his mind anyway; after all he has been pigheaded for a while now.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard a scream from up the small hill inside the tent. Uh-oh I have left Rosa with Lady Marion for way to long. Grabbing Robin I made him follow me to the tent. Outside the tent I could hear shouting and bickering.

"Please do not tell me Rosa is in there with Lady Marion," Robin growled.

"She's not," I paused smirking, "She's in there with Little Red Riding Hood."

Angry Robin shoved me aside as he barged through the tent flap revealing a tied up Lady Marion and a bitter, angry witch.


Hi everyone! So sorry about the five month long wait I didn't realize it had been that long. In fact thank Malli_Trip for her votes and comment blew up my phone! I loved it! I promise to dedicate the next chapter to you! CoralieFoti was the first to comment and this chapter was meant to go up when you first made your comment CoralieFoti but I think wattpad was acting up that day. Anyway this chapter is dedicated to you CoralieFoti! And I also would like to announce we made the 100 votes in fact 140! But compared to reads its actually sad looking; please vote more guys I'm being serious when I say it motivates me to write a long with comments! I love hearing from you guys! I will make sure I don't go five months again without writing. In fact I made a promise to write 5 chapters in five days one chapter for each day when we made 100 votes and I keep my promises. I hope to be doing this next week but until then here's one chapter. P.S. Read my message at the end of the chapters because I'm going to be doing something very soon that I hope you'll want to be a part of!

The Pentacle Chronicles: Little Red Riding HoodWhere stories live. Discover now