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Ch. 31: Freedom

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"Was it everything you hoped it would be?" Dom asks as we slip through the side door of the theater after the show, avoiding the crowds.

I point to the tear stains on my cheeks. "What do you think? I loved every freaking second of it!" I exclaim, bouncing up and down on my tiptoes. "Thank you both so, so much for the surprise. It was so freaking sweet."

Dom and Nicolai share a knowing look and Nicolai drapes his arm over my shoulder as we stroll back toward the valet. "It wasn't easy keeping something from you. You are so nosy, you know that?" he says, looking down at me with those hazel eyes that even in the middle of the busy Manhattan sidewalk, make me want to drop to my knees for him.

"Yep," I manage, clearing my throat and lifting one shoulder in a casual shrug, like he isn't melting me right into the damn pavement.

"You need to learn how to let someone surprise you, Sutton Marie," Nicolai says, leaning down and pressing his lips to the top of my head.

"Why's that?"

"Because, if you'll let me, I plan on doing it for the rest of our lives," he whispers against the shell of my ear.

This man is going to ruin me.

"Oh, I'll—"

My sentence is cut short by my best friend's voice, earning a death glare from me. "All right, here's my cab."

My brows furrow and Nicolai and I exchange glances. "Cab? What are you talking about?"

She smirks at me. "You wanted a night of freedom, babe. You got it."

Butterflies take flight in my stomach at the meaning her words implies and Nicolai's fingertips press into my bicep as he says, "You're ditching us for the night?"

She raises an eyebrow as she gets into the cab, slamming the door and rolling down the window as she does. "Please. I have a feeling you two can find plenty of fun to get into without me." With a wink, she wiggles her fingers at me as the cab pulls away from the curb.

"Did you know she was going to do that?" I ask him as he hands the valet the claim ticket from his pocket.

Nicolai shakes his head. "No idea. I guess even Dom had some tricks up her sleeve for you tonight."

I twist my lips in an attempt to hide the smile spreading over my face, but I figure, what's the point? I just got to see my favorite play on Broadway with my two best friends, and now I'm getting to spend time alone with the boy I'm falling for in a place other than our apartment.

Why should I not be smiling? This is everything I've wanted, the freedom I've longed for. Both of them have made it happen for me. I deserve to enjoy this while I have the chance.

"Well, what will we do with this newfound time?" I ask.

He slides his hand in mine and squeezes once. "You hungry?"

Tilting my head to the side, I raise an eyebrow. "Really? You have to ask me that? Come on, Nic. You know me better than that."

He bites the corner of his lip and narrows his gaze on me. "Did you just call me Nic?"

"Yeah, I did. Did you not like it?"

Nicolai's car appears in front of us and the valet jumps out, running around the front to open the door for me. "Thank you," I murmur, smiling as I see Nicolai slip him a large bill as a tip before joining me and maneuvering the car into traffic.

"I did like it," he says in barely a whisper, reaching across the center console and placing his hand on my thigh, making me wish I had worn the dress with the slit up the leg.

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