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Ch. 8: Splash

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Days later, I'm still reeling from what Thomas told Dominique about the guy creeping around our building. I need to sort out a plan to get across town to that address I connected with the motorcycle's license plate. I realize that's probably a terrible idea, but I feel like now more than ever, I have to know if it's Nicolai who is hanging around our building.

And find out why.

But Dominique is constantly glued to my side, like we're actually attached at the hip. This time, it's after she's just snuck me out. This time to a boutique down the street. Something's up with her and buying me stuff. I haven't figured it out yet, but I will.

I look over at her with wide eyes. "Dom, what are you doing?"

"Just coming with you to your room. Is that a big deal?"

My eyebrows dip. "I—uh, no? You just normally don't follow me so closely. Is everything okay?"

When we get upstairs, she relaxes a bit.

"Yeah, I just—what Thomas said the other day made me so nervous. A guy outside the building literally asking if you still lived here? Trying to get in?" She shudders. "It's weird. I just want to make sure, ya know...there's no one up here."

I widen my eyes as we reach my door and yank my hand away from the handle. "Do you really think there's someone in here?"

She places her hand on her pistol at her side and moves me away from the door. "No, but there's only one way to find out. Stay behind me."

I hold my breath as she creaks open the door, and we both ease inside. As my bed comes into view, I see nothing out of place, no one lurking in the corners or in the bathroom doorway.

But at my desk, there's a man sitting in the chair, one ankle propped on his other knee, hands folded in his lap.

I let out a yelp and he says, "Did you have a nice day, Sutton?"

It's Jason.

Dom lets out an annoyed sigh and releases the hold on her gun, looking back at me and rolling her eyes.

"What the fuck," she mutters, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Jason, you scared the shit out of us!" I exclaim, pressing my palm to my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart.

"Well, join the club. How do you think I felt today when we got home, and you were nowhere to be found? Dom, where have you been?"

"Hey, I don't answer to you, Jason," she starts, and I hold up my hands between them.

"Stop. Don't argue, please. I can't take it." I move to the side of my bed and perch on the edge so I'm facing Jason. "I'm sorry I scared you. We walked down the street to a boutique. That's it. What about Dad? Is he mad?"

Dom stands next to me, never moving from her protective stance. I appreciate it more than she knows.

Jason is fuming right now, and even though he would never hurt me, he looks like he is seriously about to lose his shit.

Jason drops his foot flat on the floor and leans over so we are eye to eye. "Do you really think if your father realized you were gone he wouldn't have been waiting at the door for you to get home? Or better yet, have the entire NYPD looking for you?"

"What did you say to—"

"When we got home, he asked where you were, and before he could freak out, I told him that Dominique had to take you to a doctors' appointment. Thankfully, he's so distracted he didn't notice if your car was gone," he says. "I had no fucking clue where you were. I texted you and you didn't answer. I just assumed you were together because Dom would never leave you by yourself."

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