Chapter 8 - Selfish

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It was just Sanha all over Soo ah’s mind from the moment she left the hospital with In woo. Something about that man made her smile consciously and subconsciously.

“You're way too happy for a person who was just in the hospital with a head injury.” Said In woo driving back to their house from the hospital.

“Huh? Oh, uh well I strangely feel good” she said.

“Or maybe you just become mental”

“Piss off, In woo” she scoffed.

“Are you okay now?” In woo asked.
But what came to Soo ah’s mind was the nervous Sanha who was asking so many questions at one time. She smiled at the thought of him.

“Here we go again. What are you so happy about?” In woo asked, frustrated.

“Nothing, okay.” She exclaimed.

“Not kidding this time. Did something really happen inside your head?”

“No, In woo. Doctor said it's perfectly fine. And you were there with me. Speaking of that, I didn't text Sanha about the MRI. He must be exploding there”. She took her phone from her bag.

“Who is this guy Sanha or whatever?” In woo asked feeling irritated.

“I told you already. He's a member of Astro. An Idol. And I am their manager. Okay?” Soo ah started to feel frustrated too.
Something was off with the way In woo was acting.

“Okay, fine. Let me ask you one more thing. Why did he call you in the morning?”

“Oh my god, In woo, she groaned, “ he felt like calling me so he called. And why are you acting like a toxic boyfriend.”

“Wha- no I. Nevermind”. He grumbled and stopped talking.
After that neither of them talked till they reached their place. Soo ah looked out of the window and In woo concentrated on driving.
Even Though his mind was fuming with thoughts. He didn't understand why he was being like that too. A part of him was insecure and a part of him assured that Soo ah will never leave him. He had known Soo ah since forever. She was part of him. Even though he acted like he didn't like being her friend, going on a day without seeing her face at least twice made him sad. And he felt like he took a part in the accident too. If only he dropped her at the workplace this wouldn't have happened. He was guilty but didn't know how to apologise since he knows how Soo ah would react. And the fact someone else was there to take care her made him feel irritated.

They reached their house after eating lunch in a restaurant. Even then they didn't talk except when they clearly had to. In woo left for his job after making sure she ate her medicine and all. He took a special leave from his job to come to the hospital.

Soo ah, but instead of resting started to make phone calls and do paperwork she could do from home. She wanted to make everything perfect even in her absence at work. But there was a limit on what she could do from home. So by evening all her work was done and she decided to take a quick nap. At the same time she wanted to know why Sanha hadn't replied to her message. It's been almost 4 hours and still there was no response. She wanted to call him but decided not to think he might be busy. Soo ah decided not to think too much and just went to sleep.

It was almost 6’30 when Soo ah woke up hearinv some noises from the kitchen. She went to the kitchen thinking it must be In woo. But the person who was there made her feel cold. It was her mother. She stood there watching her mother placing kimchi and other side dishes into the fridge. When she finally turned around and saw her daughter, she smiled whole heartedly , which somewhat seemed fake to Soo ah. 

Soo ah did not have an idealistic relationship with her parents. Her brother was the only person she had a good relationship with. She loved her brother. But since he's not there for her now there was no need for her to stay with her parents anymore. That was also another reason why she lived with In woo.

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