chapter 2

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He continued, "well, Percy, or rather Aella. Get ready because it is time for the hardest part." A sense of dread filled me. "It is time for your transformation."

Percy's POV:

As soon as father said those words, I couldn't help but hyperventilate a little. It is really going to happen. I will become a woman, a real. fucking. woman. Why does this type of shit happen to me. I thought after the war, I'll settle down in new Rome with Annabeth, attend college and eventually marry her. Instead, here I am standing in front of the very beings whose sorry asses I had helped save for the second time, waiting for them to turn me into a goddess, why? Because they wanted to suddenly 'maintain' an equal gender ratio in the council.

Then my thoughts shifted to Annabeth, I felt betrayed that she didn't even consider before accepting godhood. Didn't I also reject godhood for us to be together? I shook my head, anyways it doesn't matter now, we both were gods now, I'm sure we could still date, it will just include a few minor changes. But why didn't she stay here? Was she really that excited about becoming a goddess that she didn't even want to see my ascension?

Then my eyes widened, and I thought about mom. She doesn't even know if I'm alive or not. Gods fucking dammit, I'm such a horrible son. What would she think about this entire situation? I can't help but imagine the shocked look on her face, when she sees a girl claiming to be her son.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my father, "well Aella, we need to shift you to the ceremonial room, where you will first become a woman, then a goddess." Oh, gods it's really happening. All the gods and I were covered in a golden light before we flashed, with my father flashing me along, to the ceremonial room. I stood in the center of the grand room. The room was dimly lit with Greek fire torches mounted on the pillars, the gods were standing in the classic omega shape, like their thrones and the cabins at Camp Half-Blood.

Once we all had arrived, Zeus spoke up, "well young Perseus, it is time for you to become a woman, are you ready?"

I took a deep breath, "just get it over with." I just want this nightmare to end quickly, so I can go sleep.

Zeus nodded, "Aphrodite do the honors."

Aphrodite giggled, "I would be honored lord Zeus." She stands in front of me, "Now Aella, I want you to strip out of your clothes, unless you want them to get ruined from your transformation." I sigh but remove my clothes slowly due to the embarrassment from having fourteen pairs of eyes on me. I remove my t-shirt, revealing my tatted, muscular and scarred physique, I wasn't muscled like the Ares kids, I had more of a swimmer's build, lean and athletic with some muscle. My tattoos, which I got after the titan war, were revealed, I had a tattoo of a snake and roses near my torso, a trident crossed with a sword on my left shoulder and the SPQR branding on my right forearm. My scars from my abusive childhood to the scars from the battles I fought as a demigod were revealed. The few more prominent ones like; the patch of scar tissue I had near the right side of my back caused from the broken bottle Gabe pelted me with, when I was nine years old, then the three identical parallel lines on the center of my chest, from the time I had to battle the Chimera, then the scar I got in Tartarus, it was deep scar I had gotten on my neck, it ran from my jawline to the base of my neck, while battling the Arai. I stripped out of my tattered jeans and stood there in my boxers.

Aphrodite smiled appreciatively, "shame you have to get turned into a girl, I would've loved to spend some alone time with you."

"Anyways, are you ready?" she asked conjuring a pink flame in her hand.

I nodded, wanting to get this shit over with. "I'm ready, just do it."

"Alright, let's see the new and improved Percy!" she threw the pink fire at me. The fire submerged my entire body, I half expected to burn to death, but alas my wish didn't come true. The fire wasn't even warm.

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